Protecting My Cardio for Dear Life: Why I Don’t Smoke!

Welcome to Write
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2024

Today, I am joining the writing prompt for “Welcome to Write.” Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓asks: 3rd July: Why don’t you smoke cigarettes? If you do smoke, when did you start, and why do you continue? Do you vape? Is vaping better for you?If you want to join in the fun, see the link [Daily writing prompt]. There is a prompt for each day in July.

As an athlete with poor cardio to begin with, I’d prefer not to see my cardio give out before I do.

Growing up, my parents and family always told me there was no real benefit to smoking, so I stayed away from vapes and cigarettes.

Produced by CharlieNCR Using

I did not think much about what my parents said, but as I was always trying different sport I decided not to. Also, what really solidified this for me was when I arranged a 5 aside football match with some friend. These friends are smokers.

We were all looking forward to the game. My friends happily smoking on the way there!

All my friends smoke and vape, but I hadn’t really thought about how this might affect our game.

We had to take breaks every 5 to 10 minutes so people could catch their breath — I could not believe it!

Photo by Tristan Colangelo on Unsplash

My mates were playing like they had the cardio of a 90-year-old. I did not want to end up with their smokers’ lungs.

I did want a refund for how little we played. They were mostly stood at the side catching their breath!

This just reinforced for me the evils of smoking, that coupled with the smell — just put me off. Plus, many of them mixed cigarettes with weed. Not for me!

I would like to protect my lungs and breath. So there will be no smoking for me. Plus, I cannot afford it. I do not make enough on Medium to buy cigarettes! Well — not yet!

