Update — Life lessons on my 365 days writing Challenge On Medium

Reflecting On My Progress — Joined The 200 Club!

Five months of daily writing on Medium

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓
Welcome to Write


Thank you — ALL!

Marking the 200th Story Milestone in My 365-Day Writing Challenge!

I have finally hit the double century in storytelling — 200 stories, and I still have plenty of words left! 📚✨

I opened my Word Hotel doors to all of you on July 24th, 2023!

Photo by Author Generated By Bing.com images Sophia Tell Word Hotel!

After five months of writing one story daily, I have reached 200 stories.

I opened my doors to all of you on July 24th, 2023. Like a good hotel, I ensured everything was well-prepared, resulting in clean and tidy writing. You came to visit, some for a short stay and others for a longer duration.

You all were very tidy and left beautiful comments. Some left more than others, but I am grateful for all. It has been lovely; no one has destroyed anything. Most have been respectful, and no one has overused or abused any appliances!

I serve up my writing early in the morning to get it out of the way. I aim not to overload you with my servings. Occasionally, I have sent out more than one story. But I do not want to give you indigestion, so I limit it to one per day for now. I am sure that keeps you full.

That’s What Friends Are For by Dionne Warwick! PRESS PLAY!

This is for all of you. Just in case I go away! KEEP SMILING…

Some stayed long-term

As I mentioned before, some of you have stayed on long-term, some have come occasionally, and some have not come back!

Not every hotel is for everyone’s taste, so I understand that. But I offer a variety of stories. So, if you have not visited recently, return when you’re ready! I am constantly upgrading and redecorating. Things will continually change.

For now, I am happy and content with what I have. And for those of you who keep on returning, thank you. My door is always open; all forms of tiny compensation in claps, highlights, and comments are appreciated!

What I have learned and what has happened:

  1. I write stories very quickly, and my writing is speeding up.
  2. I must not get too sucked into Medium. I need to balance it with the vast world out there. Hence, I continue doing everything I love, such as going out with friends and family, hitting the gym, skating, and more. Life is for living.
  3. I can consistently earn over $100 monthly if I engage with others and write regularly.
  4. Be happy with whatever I get. Happiness comes not only with monetary rewards but also with friendships.
  5. Engaging with others is key. Visit new people regularly and go out to meet them. You can be friends with different people. You don’t have to have a clique or a small circle of friends. Associate with others — sometimes!
  6. This platform is terrific for those new to publishing online. It gives confidence and a sense of pride.
  7. There is so much to learn about people worldwide.
  8. Writing can connect people of various backgrounds and unite us to have fun, share sadness and happiness, and support each other.
  9. Don’t get too caught up in arguments online. Let those without sin cast the first stone.
  10. Don’t be too hard on others. Many of us have issues and problems that people do not know about. So be happy and friendly, and show empathy.
  11. Give back to the community!

This is for all of you. Just in case I go away! KEEP SMILING…

That’s What Friends Are For by Diona Warwick! PRESS PLAY!

Have a fabulous day, and thank you all for your support!

Tagged those who asked. Want to be tagged? Just give me a shout!

Jan Sebastian 🖐👩‍🦰✨✨ The LARO ✨✨ Eiman Fatima Saeed Sobhani Lea Bardot Jane Keathley Carrie Wexford Bruno T. Jane Keathley Adrian CDTPPW LaurenJane

