The Joy of The Last Day of School

Do you still remember?

Gratiela Grigorini
Welcome to Write


Photo by Myles Tan on Unsplash

Do you still remember the joy we felt on the last day of school when we were young?

The beginning of summer vacation – the start of endless days spent playing outside until dusk, going to grandparents in the countryside or in camps with classmates and friends.

In our country, summer vacation lasts for three months. Despite the fact that each new education minister seems to want to impose their own vision and shake things up a bit, the „big vacation” has largely stayed the same: from June 15th to September 15th.

These months were the most anticipated and cherished of my childhood.

Times have changed now. Kids today probably don’t stay outside until late, and many no longer have grandparents in the countryside. As for camps, they have become financially out of reach and the conditions have not improved in recent years.

But I believe that even today, with all these changes in our society, the last day of school gives children everywhere the same feeling: the freedom to play and a break from the worry of homework.

The sensation that “I have time for everything this summer!”

