The Stinky Habit — Smoking Cigarettes

Writes By Tiffany
Welcome to Write
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2024

I Was A Rebel

I started smoking cigarettes at a very young age. I stole my first cigarette from my older sister when I was in 5th grade.

I remember hiding it in my Nintendo game console until my mom left for work, that way I could smoke it before school.

I didn’t even choke, bad sign!! From there on, I kept stealing them from my sister.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

As I got into my teen years, I would save my lunch money and buy cigarettes instead. My best friend and I used to be able to write notes and take the note up to the local gas station.

Please allow Tiffany, my daughter to get a pack on Marlboro Reds for me. I am sick today and can’t get to the store. Thank you-Mrs Weston

This worked like a charm everytime. 1993 was a good time for minors to get cigarettes. Back then, restaurants sometimes had cigarette machines. Easy access for minors.

Smoking wasn’t quite as shameful or expensive back then. People didn’t look at you like you were disgusting for lighting up. It was the ‘cool’ thing for my best friend and I to do!

The Habit

It didn’t take long for the coolness to wear off and for the habit to kick in full force. By 1995, I was a true smoker. I needed it! I always had cigarettes on me, it was just a part of who I was.

I smoked cigarettes faithfully for over 25 years. I never had the urge to quit. I never really tried and I was okay with that. If you don’t have the desire to quit, you will fail at every attempt. So, I didn’t bother trying.


Photo - by author

My Little Blessing

In 2022, I received the biggest news of my life!! I was going to be a grandma. By October 2022, God gave me the most precious gift. A healthy granddaughter. My whole heart ♥

I decided I wanted to stop smoking. I didn’t want my grandbaby growing up and seeing a cigarette always hanging out of gaga’s mouth.

💕she calls me gaga💕

Nor did I want her anywhere around the toxic chemicals or the terrible smell.

Vaping Instead

I took on vaping and stopped smoking gradually. I have no idea if vaping is better or worse for you. I have heard stories about it carmelizing your lungs. But I’ve never done my own research. I do know that it isn’t harmful to people around you.

Now, in 2024, I still have a pack of cigarettes on me at all times. It’s a security thing. I smoke maybe a cigarette a week, sometimes not even that. But I always smoke my vape. Maybe one day I won’t need to hold that pack of cigarettes in my purse for comfort.

I’m happy with my switch. I breathe better and I don’t stink. My grandbaby will never know of the smoking gaga. I didn’t want that, so I made sure I fixed that part of me. This little angel is my everything. She made it easy for me to quit after years of having zero desire to do so.


To wrap it up, I could tell you all the terrible things about smoking and how bad it is for you…. But why? We already know all of that. If you are ready to quit, you will!! And you’ll be proud of yourself when you do!!

This is a part of Daily Writing Prompts For July ’24 — From ‘Welcome To Write’!

Thanks for reading!💟

Today, I am joining the writing prompt for “Welcome to Write.” Sophia (me) asks: 3rd July: Why don’t you smoke cigarettes? If you do smoke, when did you start, and why do you continue? Do you vape? Is vaping better for you?If you want to join in the fun, see the link [Daily writing prompt]. There is a prompt for each day in July.



Writes By Tiffany
Welcome to Write

I love writing short stories, poetry, even a little dab in Erotica. I write what's in my heart, experiences, loss, lessons. Writing is a deep thinker's escape.