Why Written Stories Are as Powerful as a River’s Current

Help your Medium success by telling stories

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓
Welcome to Write
2 min readJul 4, 2024


When I first started on Medium, I could not understand why they called their articles stories.

For me, coming over from HubPages and writing blog posts, I thought these are just blog posts; why are they calling them stories?

However, there is an important element here that I failed to realize.

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Medium is not Wikipedia, Medium is not a dictionary, and Medium is most definitely not all about facts and figures. Medium is about real stories, real people, and real writing.

We remember those stories. Heck, some of them I may repeat to friends and family.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Stories even help teachers. When I teach it sure does help some students when I use anecdotal stories to explain a topic or a complext point.

So yes, we may write about factual information, but if we can put a story behind it, it really does help the reader visualize, understand you, and form a connection with you.

I must admit, I often forget to do this. I frequently have to remind myself that Medium, by its very name, is all about human-to-human communication.

That is why you do so well, because let’s face it, we all want to know about other human beings, and there is an element of curiosity within us all.

The human experience is far more valuable than any facts and figures alone. Combine those facts and figures with a human experience, and you have hit gold!

But you knew that already, did you not?

Have a fabulous day today.

The weather in the UK is mild this morning at 8:48 am, with an election today. The main parties are : Labour, Conservatives — who are in power now, Liberal Democrats and The Green Party.

Now, who will I vote for? I still just do not know. But whoever I vote for, I hope they address the major housing crisis that the United Kingdom is facing at the moment.

Hope springs eternal.

Have a fabulous day and keep telling your stories!

Have a Fabulous Day.

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓

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