Memories of Bharatpur, Rajasthan

The Curator
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2016


Photos and Words @aliceonaroll

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

2009… with basic camera equipment, #Nikon D50, 70–300 f4.5–5.6, even more basic skills, in foggy winter, this was going to be challenging

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

But water levels were good that year, a rare occurrence those days… birds showed up… the resident & vulnerable Sarus was still rare…

Other residents were more obliging…

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

Even if they were done with busy night shifts, they didn’t want to be rude hosts, apparently…

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

Human visitors stirred some curiosity among otherwise-hidden dwellers…

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

Some went about their business with nonchalance…Clearly, there was no time to be lost.

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll
Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

Even the most reclusive and taciturn decided to just about tolerate us. Even if a 90mm Macro lens was being pointed at their nose.

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

Some gracious ones entertained too…

Image courtesy @aliceonaroll

Time for a revisit, perhaps? To renew acquaintances?

