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Ancient Young

Peter Turner
Welded Thoughts
Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2021


Woe to thee,

not vanquished I see.

Ancient forms — then and now,

young and old.

Incarnate again or forever — and can one distinguish?

Different environments demand different responses, no?

Some do claim to vanquish — the Buddhists come to mind.

Though would they leave wholly, friends’ individuality behind?

And if so why did Siddhattha — not stay in Nirvana?

But come together, current and young, to fight!

As ancients have done, for what they think right.

Still life, still light — so perhaps that they were?

But what a great irony, that the fuel — of the obscure,

should be — at least in collective memory—the collective good?

Or, at least, the idea of such…

Whilst the darkening are clothed in homilies,

against what is ‘wrong’,

left to judge or to sit shrouded,

in anger — and projected guilt.

But fight we must and fight again,

Though the word ‘fight’ perhaps not quite,

so fitting describing a target made up of our own choices.



Peter Turner
Welded Thoughts

Inquisitive EdTech cofounder. Software person. Interested in history and historic fiction.