Woman Lessons

Getting on with Growing Up

Luca Oake
Well-Stocked Minds


Presented in no particular order because all of our journeys are personal, individual and circuitous.

Woman Lesson #25

A woman takes her hair to a professional.

Woman Lesson #10

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Investments are a woman’s lifelong companion.

Woman Lesson #18

A woman built for comfort doesn’t behave like a girl built for speed.

Woman Lesson #4

What a woman spends yearly on therapy & learning is at least = if not > than what she spends on make-up, wardrobe, manicures & weaves.

Woman Lesson #22

Clothes worn by a woman don’t wind up in a pile on the floor, unless that’s where she left them while elegantly stripteasing for her lover.

Woman Lesson #9

A woman expects her friends to know and tell her the whole truth about herself.

Woman Lesson #13

Dropping $450 at Lululemon is what a woman does AFTER devoting a year to vigorous thrice-weekly workouts.

Woman Lesson #17

A woman ensures her emotional baggage is downsized to a carry-on with wheels.

Woman Lesson #21

Having seen the gray in unexpected places and having felt the pull of gravity, a woman understands why other women get work done.

Woman Lesson #6

A woman says “We’ll talk about it later” when she means “I’m done talking about it forever.”

Woman Lesson #5

A woman says no because she means it, not just because she can.

Woman Lesson #3

Sex doesn’t define a woman. Sex enhances a woman.




Luca Oake
Well-Stocked Minds

Encouraging my inside thoughts to go outside and play.