Letting Go

Doretta Lau
Well to Write
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2016

I have a week off between full-time jobs. It’s such a luxury to be able to have this time to let go (so hard because I loved my colleagues and the project) and prepare for the next challenge.

At first, I had this giant list of errands I wanted to run and projects I wanted to slay. Then I came to my senses and put the self care first because I need to be well enough to bring my A game. I silenced the voice in my head always tells me I’m behind and that I should should should. I just flopped onto the couch and went full relaxation.

My Self Care Plan

Cleanse: Green smoothies for two days. No e-mail, social media, or news for twenty-four hours. (This was hard because I received two texts that Fidel Castro died during this stretch.)

Binge watch the entire second season of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. Laughter and eleganza are so necessary. (I also watched Snowden and Circle, but both these films made me paranoid and tense.)

Listen to the above Louise Hay audiobook about healing several times. (I highly recommend it — after listening to it on YouTube I bought it on iBooks.) Between wrapping up an exhibition at work and the Canlit drama, I needed to just shout I AM READY TO HEAL.

Yoga: I haven’t gone on a regular basis since 2010 and I’m so stiff I make the dead look like prima ballerinas. I felt amazing after the first class, so I’m going to join a gym and commit to working out on a regular basis.

Massage: I had someone reset all the tendons in my arms while sobbing uncontrollably from the pain. I slept so well that night, and I was able to acknowledge the source of my frustration over the past few months. I need to forgive myself.

Sleep: I’ve been putting in my eight hours a night and I already look and feel twenty percent better.

Read: I’m still trying to read ninety-five books this year.

Buy pants that fit. I tried on ten pairs and now I’ve got boyfriend jeans for slouching about town. I got me some eating pants!

Now that I’ve taken this time for myself, I think I’ll be able to write tomorrow.



Doretta Lau
Well to Write

Writing and wellness. Short story collection HOW DOES A SINGLE BLADE OF GRASS THANK THE SUN? out now with Nightwood Editions. www.dorettalau.com