The Number One Secret to Productivity

Doretta Lau
Well to Write
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2016


You’re not going to believe this, but the secret to productivity is rest and play.

That’s right, I’m telling you to prioritize self care over getting things done. It’s counterintuitive, but if you allot time in your schedule to rest and to play, even if you can only manage ten minutes to nap or meditate, you’ll be more focused when you’re working. This leads to better output. You’ll also enjoy your time off more because you’ll be present for it instead of thinking you should be doing something else.

Before I recovered from procrastination, I’d punish myself for taking breaks. But rather than spend quality time on writing, I would binge watch hours of TV and feel bad during every second of this leisure time. This made me hate writing even more. I felt blocked all the time. My days seemed joyless.

Everything changed when I read The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play by Dr. Neil Fiore. This book taught me how to schedule in meals with family and friends, naps, walks, exercise, films, concerts, therapy, and reading time. Dr. Fiore recommends that we move for at least an hour a day, so sometimes I march in place or dance around while watching Netflix or stretch while listening to a podcast.

For many people, this is a good time of the year to rest and recalibrate. So for this week give this a try: put the fun first. Commit to enjoying that time. Step away from your computer. If it means turning off your phone, do it. If you have to delegate one of your responsibilities to someone else for a week to regain your sanity, figure out a way to do it. I know we all have to hustle so we can survive, but we owe it to ourselves to break the cycle of being exhausted and overwhelmed. No matter how tough our lives may be, we can take ten minutes and choose to rest and be present during this time. We can choose to take ownership of a few minutes of each day to put ourselves first. If we can take this step to bring real joy to our lives, everything else will fall into place.



Doretta Lau
Well to Write

Writing and wellness. Short story collection HOW DOES A SINGLE BLADE OF GRASS THANK THE SUN? out now with Nightwood Editions.