Don’t Panic. But Please Take Coronavirus Seriously.

Commit yourself to being part of the solution.

Amanda Warton Jenkins
Well Woman
Published in
7 min readMar 11, 2020


“Doc. I’m from the future. I came here in a time machine that you invented. Now, I need your help to get back to the year 1985.” — Marty McFly, Back to the Future

I work from home. So does my husband. This week, we pulled our kids out of the public grade school where they attend. I’ve informed the studios where I teach yoga that I’ll be taking the next two weeks off. I am not only hand-washing constantly, but I’m mostly avoiding public places.

Is this overkill?

Time will tell.

I’ve been told by others that I’m overreacting by keeping my kids home. That now is not a time for panic. That anxiety spreads more quickly than a virus, and that coronavirus is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu. That people need yoga, solace, peace — especially now.

If I had a crystal ball (or a time machine), I’d want to look forward and know what happens next. I’d hope to God it’s nothing. That this all blows over. That everyone I love, and everyone in my community, stays safe.



Amanda Warton Jenkins
Well Woman

Yoga teacher, MPP UChicago "rewilding," living from the neck down, cultivating Albert Einstein's "sacred gift," intuition. My book: