✨Somatic Therapy: Self-Care That Actually Makes a Difference

Amanda Warton Jenkins
Well Woman
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2 min readDec 29, 2019


Photo by sheldon nand on Unsplash

I believe that winter, like no other season, is the time of year for self-care.

But what kinds of self-care work best?

I’ve noticed that there are some forms of self-care that are effective, and some that put me right back where I started.

For example, a yoga class works better than a pedicure. Why?

Our bodies run on energy, and we are constantly moving that energy throughout our body.

Our emotions are one way we can carry that energy — or get it stuck.

If you’re a dancer or musician, you already know: you can learn things with your body. When the music plays, you’re on auto-pilot. Muscle memory takes over, and you know the steps, the choreography, the combinations, the chords.

I’ve learned that when I move energy through my body, I feel so much better after.

Working out does a lot for my mood, but there was still something missing.

In my day-to-day life, I began to notice that many of the same themes kept popping up …. until I finally learned to deal with my faulty source beliefs. This required somatic therapy.

If you’re not familiar with somatic therapy, here are some examples:

  • box or “Qigong” breathing
  • tapping
  • meditation
  • yoga
  • EMDR
  • shake therapy

Using these approaches plus talking it out with a trained therapist can yield far better results.

When you find yourself living through the same situations over and over again in your life, it could be because your body is responding in an old, familiar pattern. If you don’t short-circuit this cycle, it becomes self-reinforcing. And you stay stuck.

I’m so excited about our most recent article on Well Woman, because I believe somatic therapies offer hope and promise to so many.

Click here to finish reading.





Amanda Warton Jenkins
Well Woman

Yoga teacher, MPP UChicago "rewilding," living from the neck down, cultivating Albert Einstein's "sacred gift," intuition. My book: https://amzn.to/3mTwXlZ