You Create Your Reality. But Nothing is About You.

We reconcile these conflicting statements when we realize: it’s all about Love.

Amanda Warton Jenkins
Well Woman


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Self-help gurus will tell you: you create your reality. You are the author of your own existence. What you do, who you are and what you accomplish in this life is entirely up to you, and you alone are in charge of your personal happiness and success. Whether you’re miserable and sick or full of vitality and health — it’s all a matter of mindset. If your life sucks, you’re simply reaping what you’ve sown. You can change that at any moment. Empowering stuff.

There’s also this concept that nothing in this world, or this life, is about you. Instead of leaving us powerless, this concept allows us to release the things that are truly not ours. What other people think and say, the experiences that come into our lives, the news — it’s not about us. Like the weather or the tides, it simply is.

How can both of these true-seeming ideas both be valid?

Here’s what I believe. All the positive thinking and manifesting and vision-boarding and dreaming in the world will not get us what we want, every time, without fail. This is a faulty formula that just doesn’t work. Sorry.



Amanda Warton Jenkins
Well Woman

Yoga teacher, MPP UChicago "rewilding," living from the neck down, cultivating Albert Einstein's "sacred gift," intuition. My book: