5 Small Habits to Adopt and Improve Your Routine

Isadora Martelli
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readMay 12, 2024

Some simple tips to improve your physical, mental and emotional health

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In an ideal world, we would have time to wake up peacefully in the morning, follow a skincare routine with the best available products and devices, indulge in our favorite hobbies every day… The list of the dream routines is long. But let’s be realistic, in the busy rush of everyday life, we might not achieve the balanced routine we desire.

However, small changes can make a big difference in our quality of life. In this article, we will explore five simple habits that can be easily incorporated into our routines, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These practices don’t require significant efforts, but when done regularly, they have the power to transform our routine and health, helping us achieve a slightly more peaceful life, at least.

1. Fiber Before Sweets

Dietary fibers are like the “helpers” of the foods we eat, especially those coming from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. They are divided into two types: insoluble, which help keep our intestines functioning well, and soluble, which form a kind of “gel” in the intestine, controlling the absorption of sugars and fats.

For example, when we eat a salad before having a sweet treat, the fibers in the salad help keep the sugar from the sweet under control, preventing spikes in blood sugar. So, next time you think about having a sweet, remember to include a portion of fiber beforehand, such as a salad or a fruit.

2. Three-Step Skincare

Following a basic skincare routine will keep your skin healthy, and you’ll see better results over time compared to doing nothing. By cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin daily, you’re removing impurities, keeping it hydrated, and protecting it from sun damage. This helps prevent issues like acne, dryness, wrinkles, and spots. Additionally, regular skincare can reduce the effects of aging and help prevent more serious issues in the future, such as skin cancer.

First, choose a cleanser suitable for your skin type to remove dirt, pollution impurities, and excess oil. After cleansing, leave your skin damp before applying moisturizer. This helps enhance its effectiveness because there’s more water available to be “locked in” by the moisturizer layer, increasing hydration and absorption of the moisturizer’s active ingredients. Finally, don’t forget to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day to protect your skin from sun damage.

3. Daily Walks

Walking for 30 minutes a day at a comfortable pace, at least three times a week, is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. During the walk, the body experiences a series of positive changes: the heart pumps more blood, strengthening itself and improving circulation, while the lungs expand and fill with fresh air, providing more oxygen to the tissues. Muscles become stronger and more toned with repetitive movement, helping to improve posture and endurance.

Moreover, walking stimulates the release of endorphins, natural chemicals acting as natural painkillers, reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting an overall sense of well-being. By making walking a regular part of your routine, you’re investing not only in your body’s health but also in your mind’s health, ensuring a healthier and more balanced life.

4. Mind and Body Rest

During rest, the body has the opportunity to recover and strengthen. Physiologically, rest allows muscles to relax, the heart to slow down, and blood pressure to stabilize. Additionally, there’s a reduction in stress hormone levels, such as cortisol, which helps promote a state of relaxation. Psychologically, rest provides a moment to slow down, relieve the mind of everyday worries, and restore mental clarity. This allows better emotional and cognitive processing, as well as strengthening concentration and focus.

For instance, meditation and deep breathing are effective because they help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body’s relaxation. Taking short breaks throughout the day to stretch the body is also important as it helps release muscle tension and improve blood circulation.

Having a consistent sleep routine, in turn, allows the body to recover properly, strengthening the immune system and improving cognitive function. Lastly, allocating time for enjoyable activities stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, associated with feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

5. Swap Self-Depreciation for Self-Acceptance

Probably the most challenging item on this list, but starting a more positive relationship with ourselves is crucial and can be done through small steps and changes in perspective. A good tip is to think about what you would say to a friend in the same situation, even if you don’t feel those words apply to you. It’s worth a try, I promise. Here are some small actions that can help:

  • When you catch yourself thinking or saying something negative about yourself or your progress in something, remember the other times you said something negative and how it didn’t change your situation. Decide to do something different: be kind to yourself.
  • When you’re feeling bad or blocked, take a few seconds to ask yourself with curiosity and non-judgment what you’re feeling and why. For example: Why am I feeling this way? What triggered this emotion? What can I do about it today? This kind of gentle self-analysis can help break negative thought patterns and promote greater self-acceptance.

These small habits remind us that achieving balance and well-being doesn’t always require big changes or revolutions in our routines. Often, it’s the little adjustments we make along the way that have the biggest impact on our quality of life. So, keep discovering those small moments of self-care and attention that make you feel better. If you’d like to share your own tips, feel free to comment!

