Alcohol consumption: The effects of alcohol on skin health and preventative strategies

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readApr 21, 2024

In our journey to manifesting perfect skin, we stumble across ideas that we never considered to be an essential component of our overall skin health. One such consideration is the impact of alcohol on the skin. People often hear about the adverse side effects of alcohol abuse on the body, such as digestive problems, heart diseases, liver damage, poisoning, high blood pressure and consequently preventative measures to avoid detrimental consequences. However, many of the alcohol-drinking lovers fail to notice skin changes due to the consumption of alcohol. In this post, we look into this topic in more detail and guide you through the short- and long-term effects of alcohol on the skin and how to manage it to keep your skin plump and refreshed.

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Alcohol, as noted earlier, predisposes the body to a variety of disorders. By alcohol abuse, I mean recurrent alcohol use, regardless of the alcohol percentage that causes damage to many body organs; as a result, it has a direct impact on the skin. For instance, as DermNet suggests, chronic liver disease may contribute to skin irritation and redness. Similarly, the National Library of Medicine gives evidence to previous claims that alcohol consumption can lead to hyperpigmentation, flushing, skin infections, and the like.

Further, Dr Monjazeb maintains that alcohol has two potential effects, dehydration and inflammation, that pose a variety of skin issues in individuals. Alcohol, in other words, draws the skin’s moisture and causes inflammation. Inflammation is seen when the skin looks red and feels warm as a result of alcohol consumption, which may lead to flare-ups causing itching and discomfort.

Dr Monjazeb continues to point out some other skin health concerns associated with alcohol consumption as follows:

· Dark circles, a prevalent skin issue, are often a sign of dehydration. It is essential to note that alcohol, in addition to its dehydrating effect, also affects sleep quality, leading to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.

· Puffiness is another concern that is again the result of dehydration.

· Next is flushing, as noted earlier, which is connected to an enzyme responsible for breaking down the toxic component of alcohol; when alcohol is consumed, this enzyme doesn’t work properly, leading to skin flushing.

· Maybe you have noticed red noses in some people when consuming alcohol, and you’re wondering why! Dermatologists suggest that drinking can cause some allergic reactions in some people that happen a few hours after drinking, and it is mainly observed when drinking beer or wine, which contains higher levels of histamines.

· One of the other reasons highly linked to skin issues and alcohol consumption is slowing cell turnover. As a result, dead skin cells start building up, leading to a dull and uneven skin tone.

· Last but not least, skin ageing is a significant concern linked to alcohol consumption. When the turnover of skin cells slows down, skin ageing accelerates, contributing to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

It’s an easy guess what the best approach could be to prevent skin damage from alcohol consumption, although different approaches vary according to drinking habits. For those who are entirely dependent on alcohol consumption, cognitive behavioural therapy along with medication can be the best therapy. For others, it’s best to consult a certified dermatologist to evaluate your treatment options and find the best alternative treatments. However, there are some tips, as promised at the beginning of this post, to give you, such as tracking your alcohol consumption by making a plan and sticking to it, dedicating yourself to following your agenda and don’t forget that you’re protecting your body and skin against unnecessary complications. Exercise regularly, get enough sleep and rest, apply moisturiser, eat enough protein before drinking, and if you’re a fan of heavy alcohol drinks, try to alternate it with lighter drinks to avoid severe negative impacts. As a last tip, remember to prepare and plan ahead for the day after to rehydrate our skin.

Overall, there are undoubtedly occasions where people celebrate and consume alcohol more than usual, like Christmas, birthdays, weddings, graduation parties, etc. However, we need to be mindful that alcohol dehydrates our skin and causes damage and skin issues; as suggested by many experts, alcohol consumption increases the risk of skin infections; it presents a variety of issues, including sleep pattern disruption, skin flare-ups, flushing, skin dark patches, dark circles and duller complexion as well as the appearance of age spots. All of the noted skin issues can be avoided if we take some pre-cautious measurements to regulate our drinking habits, so we allow ourselves to lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a hydrated, smooth skin.



Wellbeing Tips and Guides

A passionate explorer, looking into a world full of mystery. Together, we bring colour to life and make stories! :) // Content writer intern @ FOREO