Cold immersion therapy: Cold shower therapy for your body and skin

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readMay 6, 2024

In ancient times, people treated themselves with a cold shower regularly. They believed daily cold showers bring many benefits, such as boosting the immune system, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving blood circulation. Many of the ancient beliefs might still be a matter of speculation. Still, science supports cold immersion therapy or hydrotherapy and its lasting benefits, particularly for your skin. To boost the experience of a cold shower and follow a holistic lifestyle, explore the hyper-infusion technology that nourishes and improves your skin appearance; add this ingredient after immersing yourself briefly in cold water and enjoy the results!

As noted earlier, cold water therapy has some distinct health benefits, and it’s a pretty popular method for athletes and trainers globally. In this post, we dig into the ins and outs of cold therapy and what science suggests, according to some research studies in the past years.

The first thing to mention is the temperature! Experts suggest adjusting the temperature from around 10°c to 15°c. Further, according to ancient beliefs, cold water therapy benefits include improving circulation and sleep quality, reducing inflammation and boosting energy levels. Many studies confirm other benefits, such as relieving sore muscles, cooling down overheating signs, easing anxiety and depression, as suggested before, improving immune systems, and helping with weight loss. It’s important to note that further research is needed to determine the relationship between cold therapy and weight loss. Let’s delve into some research to back up hydrotherapy’s benefits. A study conducted in 2011 examined the effects of post-training hydrotherapy and muscle soreness on cyclists and found a decrease in soreness after having a cold shower. Another study in 2016 validated the results of the previous research by reporting less muscle soreness in 20 athletes after hydrotherapy. Cold showers mainly help with muscle tension and soreness due to the constriction of blood vessels, reduce blood flow in the area, and reduce inflammation and swelling.

Additionally, hydrotherapy is the proper treatment for cooling down your body and skin if you enjoy a sunny, hot summer and like to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Dunk your body in cold water for a few minutes, or run a cold shower to relax your skin and body.

Regarding the immune system, some researchers investigated the possibility of influencing it by practicing mindfulness, including cold shower therapy; surprisingly, the results were positive.

How to use cold shower therapy

You can always start with a warm shower and gradually drop the temperature or go straight to a cold shower; the latter is suggested after an intensive workout. Next, it’s better to immerse yourself in cold water for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can also submerge yourself in an ice bath or swim in open cold waters if you can access them. Overall, a cold shower sends a shocking signal to our body, increasing the heart rate and oxygen intake.

Subsequently, there are some safety tips to follow, as cold water affects your heart rate, circulation, and blood pressure. If you think it is necessary, consider booking an appointment with your healthcare professional to discuss the possible risks according to your body conditions.

Let’s narrow down this excellent therapy to skin health. How do you think it affects your skin? It is suggested that cold immersion therapy helps acne breakout and itchiness as it calms the skin; it reduces any signs of redness, irritation, and puffiness, and finally makes your skin appear glowing. Next time, if you experience itchy skin, allow yourself to immerse in cold water to overcome the scratching sensation. As mentioned above, a cold shower increases circulation and promotes healthy, radiant-looking skin. Moreover, cold water prevents bacteria and dirt from penetrating your skin as it helps close pores.

Some research studies also supported the benefits of hydrotherapy for the skin and indicated that exposure to cold water stimulates collagen production.

In a nutshell, cold immersion therapy has been exercised for a couple of millennia. It has shown many positive effects, such as enhancing a better mood, cooling down, helping with sleep, boosting the immune system, stimulating circulation, and reducing anxiety and depression. Moreover, refreshing cold water brings immense relief and can help alleviate skin conditions such as irritation and redness. It enhances blood flow, leading to improved skin tone and skin vitality. Hydrotherapy, in general, soothes the skin and promotes overall improved health. It helps the body and mind relax; the secret to a healthy lifestyle and healthy-looking skin is learning strategies to calm our minds. Cold immersion therapy is widely available and doesn’t cost you anything; you need yourself and a shower. Enjoy it!



Wellbeing Tips and Guides

A passionate explorer, looking into a world full of mystery. Together, we bring colour to life and make stories! :) // Content writer intern @ FOREO