Dieting and restricting may be doing less than more.

Laura garcia tovar
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readMay 5, 2024

While searching for our ideal and healthy body, a lot of people tend to fall back on restrictive diets. Is it really restrictive eating, a good way to go? In this article, we will explore the negative effects of extreme dieting and restrictive eating on mental and body health, other healthier alternatives to obtain and maintain a healthy weight and a balanced lifestyle. Plus, discover how innovative skincare technology can complement your wellness journey.

Usually restrictive diets are the ones in which certain foods or groups of foods are completely forbidden, this line of thinking can be very harmful for your body and your mental health. Instead of promoting a healthy diet that will be sustainable over time, this diets can lead to eating disorders, vitamin and mineral deficits and metabolic problems. In addition to all of this, “criminalizing” certain food groups can change the way you behave around food, which a lead you to have problems with your body image.

Extreme dieting can cause several physical health problems like loosing muscular mass, slower metabolism, bone weakness and suppression of the immune system. Focusing only around food while being in a weight loss journey can be effective at first but can have the opposite effect at the end. You should value exercise over food, and happiness over restricting, since this type of diets can have a huge impact on mental health, food obsession, guilt, and anxiety related to eating can consume the lives of those who follow these diets.

Instead of resort to extreme diets or restrictive eating, you should resort on balance, this way of seeing food and diets will make your goals last longer, it will help you want to keep doing it. Focus on add nutritious foods and variety above all instead of elimination full groups of food, also is very important to listen to your body and its hunger and satiety signals. Cultivate a healthy relationship with food, based on self-care and self-respect.

If you want to eat something sweet or some foods that are usually seen as “bad” eat them in small amount and accompany that type of food with other snack that are higher in fiber or protein to make you feel food. For example, imagine you want a pastry, accompany it with a high protein yogurt with some fruits, all that together is an amazing snack that will satisfy not only your brain but also will keep your body full of energy until the next meal.

Intuitive eating in an approach that focuses on honoring the unique needs of each individual and connecting with the body’s internal signals. Instead of following strict rules or counting calories, intuitive eating promotes self-awareness, gratitude, and pleasure in eating. This approach can help restore confidence in the body’s ability to naturally regulate food intake and promote a healthier relationship with food.

To summarize, restrictive diets can do less rather than more when it comes to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and optimal well-being. Instead of resorting to extreme measures, it is important to take a more balanced and compassionate approach to food and self-care. By focusing on self-care, intuitive eating, and respect for the body, we can promote a healthier relationship with food and cultivate a lifestyle that supports long-term physical and mental health.

