Digital Era: Finding Your Hobbies Away from Screens

Laura garcia tovar
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readMay 19, 2024

Nowadays, during the digital era, screens dominate a huge portion of our daily life, whether it is work, or personal lives, it is difficult to find hobbies away from screens. It is hard to disconnect from the busy pace of life (unless you already know about the existence of these new products).

Enjoying time away from the screen can improve our mental, physical and emotional health, providing us with more personal satisfaction, that is why in this article we will explain how to find and actually enjoy hobbies away from the screens.

I’m sure you saw that TikTok about being overstimulated from the big screen, so you start watching reels in your small screen for them arriving home and start watching a film in the big screen while scrolling in your small screen.

Excessive use of electronic devices has been linked to problems such as eye strain, insomnia, stress, and anxiety. Additionally, spending too much time in front of a screen can decrease our face-to-face social interactions and reduce our connection to nature and the physical environment. Disconnecting from screens and spending time on activities that do not involve electronic devices can help us to encourage creativity, strengthen interpersonal relationships and improve our overall health.

How can I start?

You should start evaluating your interest, think about what you are passionate about. After this comes the hard part, which is to trying. Put yourself out there and try new things, you can even start with popular things nowadays like ceramics or other types of classes. This structured activities will help you by building a schedule, establishing a regular schedule can help you make the activity a regular part of your routine. If you need help finding strength to go, try to involve others, sharing your hobby with friends or family can make it even more fun and can be a great way to strengthen your relationships.

Reading is a great way to disconnect from the digital world and immerse yourself in other worlds through books. You can even find a nice second hand store so you can explore your taste for a better price, spending time outdoors offers numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Another activities you might want to explore is gardening, caring for plants and flowers can be therapeutic and rewarding, and it doesn’t matter if you leave in the city since you can build your own garden next to a sunny spot in your house.

Handwork like crocheting, knitting, and arts and crafts are highly known for reducing anxiety, expressing yourself through art can be very therapeutic, and you can also create beautiful handmade items and decorative objects.

Spending time helping others can provide a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. Look for volunteer opportunities in your community, whether at animal shelters, food banks, senior organizations, or any because you are passionate about.

In a world dominated by technology, finding hobbies that keep us away from screens is essential for our physical and mental well-being. From reading and outdoor activities to the arts and volunteering, there are countless ways to enjoy your free time without the need for electronic devices. By exploring new activities and finding what you are truly passionate about, you will not only improve your health, but will also significantly enrich your life.

