Dopamine Detox Routine: 10 Tips

If you’ve been spending more and more time on your phone, being addicted to junk foods and having a hard time staying motivated, what you need is a dopamine detox.

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readJun 7, 2024


Dopamine is the neurotransmitter which is responsible for motivation. The good feeling it gives tells your brain “this feels great, do it again”, but serious problems can arise from too much “cheap” dopamine, that is dopamine which is earned without much effort (too much screen time, TV, social media, video games, junk food…). When you constantly reward your brain with these cheap dopamine activities, you’re rewiring how your brain functions. Here’s how to do a hard reset.

  1. Dopamine is known as the “reward chemical”. To hack it, do some self-care activities like a warm bath or a full and long skincare routine, with all the best tools and products.
  2. Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day. Meditation helps reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can negatively impact dopamine production.
  3. Walk 10k steps a day. Walking increases the release of dopamine, improving mood, reducing stress, and increasing overall sense of wellbeing. Use an Oura ring or any fitness tracker to count your steps. The best thing you can do is to take a walk in nature: being present in the world, walking with no headphones or stimuli will allow your thoughts to flow and stimulate creativity.
  4. Drink 2–3 litres of water daily. Dehydration kills your cognition and can indirectly affect dopamine levels. Keep a water bottle in sight 24/7 and you’ll drink 10 times more water automatically.
  5. Limit social media until 12pm. Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb, put it in another room or use app blockers. This builds momentum at the start of your day, protecting your focus while maintaining balanced dopamine levels.
  6. Reduce music, social media, YouTube and Netflix throughout the day. Replace any dopamine stimulating activities with something “boring” and educational, such as a podcast or a book. If you struggle with staring at your screen all day, go from a smartphone back to a “dumb” phone with no apps or internet access. Do any activity that will have your mind and body engaged: dancing, painting, coloring, playing sports, boxing, running…
  7. Exercise without music. This will really test your mental discipline and will allow space for your thoughts to flow freely. If you can, lift weights for 30 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a week: lifting is proven to increase dopamine production.
  8. Take freezing showers. This will test your mental discipline and resilience. Cold showers reduce anxiety, overwhelming thoughts and increase mental clarity.
  9. No sugar or processed foods. Eating sugar releases dopamine in our bodies, which is why we find it hard to quit. Replace artificial sugar with fresh fruit and vegetables juices and processed foods with whole foods. Some nutrients give a natural dopamine boost: cacao has salsolinol in it, which binds your dopamine receptors and helps to improve your mood; curcumin increases your dopamine levels; magnesium is fundamental for the proper functioning of your brain, along with vitamin D and omega 3.
  10. Get enough sleep: sleep deprivation makes you lose motivation, focus and energy, and this makes you hunt for what brings you back to life. To break this cycle, get 7 hours of sleep every day.

In conclusion, the pursuit of inexpensive dopamine rushes can be considered one of the most detrimental addictions faced by humanity. Instead of seeking fleeting pleasures, prioritizing meaningful and sustainable sources of joy and fulfilment can lead to a more balanced and happy life.

