Endorphin Boost: Running for Stress Relief

Jeera Sinsuat
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readApr 6, 2024

Life can get a little overwhelming and even stressful at times. And that’s completely normal. Some people turn to sport and exercise to maintain their physical health and relieve stress. There are many physical exercises to choose from to alleviate stress such as going to gym, yoga, cycling, and running. Running is a popular recreational sport as you only need a good pair of shoes and the great outdoors to start.

Incorporating stress relief practices in our lives is important as it balances the hormones, lowers cortisol levels, improves sleep quality, and releases endorphins. So what are endorphins? They are the hormones that the body releases that can alleviate pain, improve mood, lower stress levels, and enhance your overall well being.

Getting started

Start slow

Whether you’re new to running or just getting back into it again, it’s always important to start slow. Although it might be tempting to go all out for the first kilometer of your run, it’s best to avoid injuries and start at a comfortable pace then speed up as you go. It is also perfectly fine to walk during your run. In fact, doing walk and run intervals is a form of run workout where you run for a significant amount of time, rest, and repeat.

If you’re starting a run program because you have signed yourself up for a race, go easy on the distance and increase your distance little by little. Whether you’re training for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, or full marathon, the key is to start with an easy conversational pace and build up your endurance as you progress in your training.

Make sure to fuel up before a run

This step is key to a good run. Having a high carbohydrate dinner the night before and breakfast during the day of your run will improve your performance significantly. The body utilizes glycogen stores as a source of energy, so having a good meal prior to your run is essential to be able to run faster or longer.

Some meal ideas for the night before a run would be pasta, pizza, noodles, baked potatoes and more. Breakfast could be some toast, oatmeal, bananas, and rice. One of the best parts about becoming a runner is that you get to fuel up with as much carbs as you can!

After a run glycogen stores get depleted and have to be replenished. Some runners love to get in simplex carbohydrates as soon as they can. It could be pancakes, donuts, croissants, pastries, you name it. But don’t forget to balance it out with by having enough protein, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

Choose the right gear

Running is one of the easiest sports to dress up for. You just have to wear something cool and light if you’re running during warm weather, or something that will keep you warm for the colder months. Put on your trainers and you’re good to go!

Warm up and cool down

These steps are essential for optimal performance and recovery. A proper dynamic warm up will get your joints and muscles ready for your workout. A static cool down will help prevent you from being sore the next day, and you just feel better overall once you stretch your body. Ten to fifteen minutes should be sufficient for both.

Get out there and run

The last step is to just go out there and do it! But to be honest, sometimes the hardest part is getting out the door. Take a couple of deep breaths, visualize yourself having an amazing time, and go for it. Just keep in mind the very first tip in this guide: Start slow. Release that pressure and just enjoy the run.

Hydrate before, during, and after

This one is absolutely non-negotiable. Remember to drink some water or a sports drink before, during, and after running to stay hydrated. Liquids move nutrients throughout our body and are essential for running performance and recovery.

Other ways to get an endorphin boost:

Once you get into running, it’s kind of hard to stop. It’s really that good. However, rest days are also essential since running can be a high impact sport. Switch up running with some low impact activities such as swimming, yoga, and walking on rest days to allow your body to recover. For better running performance, it is also beneficial to incorporate some weight training into your routine to strengthen your muscles.


Running is a fantastic way to relieve stress and release the endorphins — the feel good hormones. It has so many benefits for both physical and mental health such as lower stress levels, improved sleep, and mental clarity. So lace up your shoes, start slow, hydrate, and experience the euphoric endorphin boost for yourself!

