Finding purpose amidst chaos: Take your time!

Lucia Lazzaro
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readApr 21, 2024
taken from iStock

As we get older, it’s common to find ourselves caught up in the day-to-day grind — work, bills, chores, errands, repeat. The hustle and bustle of adult responsibilities can make it feel like there’s no time or energy left over for exploring our deeper sense of purpose. But you know what they say — if it’s important, you’ll make the time. Finding your life’s purpose is one of the most meaningful and fulfilling things you can do, and it’s well worth carving out some space for. Trust me, it’ll pay off big time for your mental, emotional, and even physical wellbeing. The key is to intentionally weave purpose-finding into your existing routines, rather than trying to squeeze it in on top of everything else. It doesn’t have to be this big, drastic, time-consuming process. In fact, the smaller and more sustainable the steps, the better.

There is definitely not a single way to do it, still, here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Reflect during your commute:

Whether you drive, bike, or take public transit, use that time alone to do a little soul-searching. Think about what truly matters to you, what energizes you, what kind of impact you want to have. Jot down any insights in a notebook. Journal before bed. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media, spend 10–15 minutes each night writing in a journal. Reflect on your day, your desires, your values. Let your thoughts and feelings flow freely. Volunteer on the weekends. Look for local charities, nonprofits, or community organizations that align with causes you care about.

2. Volunteering:

Is a great way to explore different passions and find meaningful ways to give back.

3. Read inspiring biographies:

Learn about the lives and legacies of people who have found profound purpose. Their stories can provide insight, motivation, and ideas for your own path. Take a class. Expand your horizons by learning a new skill or exploring a subject that intrigues you. You never know what hidden talents or interests might emerge.

4. Have coffee with friends:

Occasionally set aside time to catch up with loved ones and have deep, thoughtful conversations. Talking through your hopes, dreams, and struggles with trusted companions can be incredibly illuminating. Go for mindful walks. Whether it’s a quick stroll on your lunch break or a longer hike on the weekend, use this time to disconnect from distractions and tune into your inner voice. Pay attention to your senses and any ideas that arise.

The key is to start small and do what feels sustainable for you. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have it all figured out right away.

The process of discovering your life’s purpose is just that — a process. Be patient, stay curious, and trust that the answers will come. And remember, your purpose doesn’t have to be this grand, world-changing thing. It can be as simple as being the best parent, partner, friend, or community member you can be. Or channeling your talents and passions into creative pursuits that bring you joy. The definition is entirely up to you.

The important thing is that you make the effort to step back from the daily grind and intentionally explore what truly matters most. Because when you live with a sense of purpose, your entire life takes on more meaning, fulfillment, and vibrancy. Isn’t that what we all want?

So what are you waiting for? Start carving out those little pockets of time and space to dive into this powerful journey of self-discovery. Your future self will thank you.

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