How to get the best sleep of your life by preparing your room for the night in these 5 easy steps

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readMar 17, 2024

In these uncertain and troubling times, many of us find it challenging to cope with stress and anxiety which can lead to problems with sleep and insomnia. Another factor influencing our sleep is technology: as we’re exposed to the blue light from our smartphones and laptops, our bodies release less melatonin resulting in a disrupted sleep cycle.

A Norwegian health portal has shared the statistics on insomnia in 2024 based on a survey with 2000 participants from the US. The findings are worrisome, it turns out that one in five US adults struggle to sleep every single night, while half of US adults experience insomnia once a month or more. What makes this data worrying is that sleep is an essential contributor to the state of a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. On a physical level, a good amount of daily sleep supports your immune system, and the lack of thereof increases your chances of developing a chronic medical condition, heart disease, or diabetes.

On a cognitive level, quality sleep is essential for your problem-solving and decision-making processes and your ability to learn and stay focused. For mental health, an adequate sleep schedule is essential since it reduces stress levels making you more emotionally resilient and stable. Sleep deprivation has been linked to such mental health disorders as anxiety and depression. For these reasons, the topic of sleep hygiene or simply improving one’s sleep schedule has been central to the discussion of well-being. Prioritizing your sleep hygiene is crucial in achieving a healthier, happier, and fuller life. We know famously that to function well human beings need around 8 hours of sleep per day, however, it’s not just the quantity, but also the quality of your sleep. Have you ever woken up after a good 10–12 hours of sleep feeling tired and not rested at all? That can feel like a complete waste of time and an unpleasant way to start a day. Thankfully, there are ways to work on your sleep hygiene to make sure you’re getting the best out of time spent catching your Zs.

Among the changes you could make to get better sleep are reducing the intake of caffeine and alcohol, maintaining a consistent workout routine, and managing stress. However, we’ll be taking a closer look at building a healthy bedtime routine that will set you up for a sound sleep.

Here are 5 things to do as you’re preparing to go to sleep:

1. Start winding down gradually. At least an hour before bed do a relaxing activity like yoga, taking a bath, reading, or journaling. Avoid using your phone or exposing yourself to any screen during that time.

2. Declutter and organize your bedroom. This will help to create a serene sleep environment while simultaneously decreasing your feelings of anxiety and overstimulation.

3. Set up a relaxing environment. Reduce noise levels, set a comfortable air temperature in the room, making sure to let some fresh air in. Researchers claim that the best temperature to fall asleep is between 15–20 degrees Celsius (60–67 degrees Fahrenheit) because it is cool enough to facilitate your body’s natural ability for temperature regulation which leads to deeper and more restoring sleep. Choose soft textiles for your bed so it feels cozy and inviting. Make sure your room is dark by closing the blinds or wearing a sleep mask.

4. Practise relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, or self-massage. It will allow you to regulate your nervous system and ground you in the present moment, creating a more peaceful state of mind.

5. Consider incorporating aromatherapy into your bedtime routine to create a soothing sleep environment and help you get into a relaxed state. The best essential oils for this task are said to be lavender, chamomile, cedar wood, or peppermint. Experiment with the scents to find the one that helps you unwind best. Add a couple of drops of your chosen essential oil to a diffuser, spray it on your pillows and linens, or simply rub it on your chest, hands, and neck.

The importance of a comfortable and relaxing sleep environment on the quality of one’s sleep, and eventually well-being has long been established. So, take action by approaching your sleeping time awareness, care, and creativity. After all, a human being spends on average one-third of their life sleeping, so why not make this time enjoyable too? Remember, investing in your sleep means investing in your mood, and your mental and physical health, therefore try to consciously improve your sleep routine using the aforementioned methods to feel the benefits from a deep restorative night of sleep. Be consistent with going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day to set up your sleep schedule.

Try and apply some or all the sleep-improving techniques we recommend, but if you’re still experiencing severe problems with maintaining an adequate sleep schedule, see a professional.

