How to Plan a Routine That Actually Works for You

Isadora Martelli
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readMay 5, 2024

The key is to take small steps and stay realistic about your routine and yourself

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Creating a routine is essential for effectively working towards our goals. However, it’s not always easy to organize our day and week in a functional way. Who hasn’t found themselves setting the alarm for an unusual time, intending to start a new task, only to realize that actually waking up was much more challenging than expected?

The secret lies in taking small steps and maintaining a realistic view, both of your routine and yourself. This way, gradually, you’ll achieve your goals, whether it’s dedicating time to learn a new language or finally carving out a moment to take care of your skin with all the methods and devices you have at home (or in mind). But don’t worry, this article will guide you through simplifying the planning of a routine:

1st Step: List your obligations, desires, and goals

Start by clearly identifying the activities that need to be regularly done and are non-negotiable, such as work, studies, appointments, etc. Allocate specific times for each of them, considering the time needed to complete each task, and prioritize them according to their urgency and importance.

Additionally, list your goals and desires. Goals are specific targets you want to achieve in the short or long term, such as getting a promotion at work or learning a language. Desires, on the other hand, are activities you would like to include in your routine but are not essential for daily functioning, such as practicing a hobby.

Also, remember to include tasks in this list that are often forgotten but are equally important for daily functioning, such as cleaning the house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, among others. Identifying all these elements will help you have a comprehensive view of the activities that need to be done, those you would like to do, and the goals you want to achieve.

2nd Step: Break your goals into smaller goals

Now that you’ve identified each block you would like to include in your routine, it’s important to understand your time and set clear, specific, and measurable goals. The truth is, unless you have a flexible job and few responsibilities, you probably don’t have much free time in your daily life to dedicate to your goals and desires.

Therefore, it’s crucial that you learn to break down your goals into smaller and more achievable goals. For example, if you want to learn a new language, it can be very ambitious (and frustrating) to expect fluency in a few months. Instead, break this goal into smaller steps, like dedicating 15 or 30 minutes daily to listen to a podcast in the specific language or doing grammar activities.

This not only makes the goal more tangible but also allows you to see continuous progress, which is crucial for maintaining motivation. Moreover, by dividing your goals into smaller ones, you can adjust them according to the demands of your life. If you realize that a specific goal is too ambitious or simply no longer fits into your routine, you can adapt it without completely giving up on your final goal.

3rd Step: Build confidence in yourself by respecting your routine

Being consistent with the goals we set is what strengthens our self-confidence and sense of self-efficacy. When we are consistent in pursuing our goals, we are showing ourselves that we are capable of planning, executing, and achieving what we desire. Each time we accomplish a goal, however small, we reinforce the idea that we are capable.

Furthermore, consistency helps create a sense of stability and emotional security because we know what to expect from ourselves and trust in our ability to deal with the challenges that arise along the way. This, in turn, reduces anxiety and increases our sense of well-being. Therefore, each time we accomplish a goal, we are strengthening our self-efficacy, as we are obtaining direct evidence of our skills and competencies.

However, regardless of all this, it’s worth noting that life’s unforeseen events are normal and will happen. Unexpected events, such as health problems, changes in work, or even simpler situations like unexpected traffic, can temporarily derail us from the planned course. In these moments, it’s essential to be flexible and understanding with yourself. There’s no problem in adapting your routine or even temporarily pausing your goals to deal with life’s demands.

It’s important to remember that you can return to your routine when circumstances allow, and you don’t need to berate yourself for having to temporarily step away from it. Accepting these periods of change and adaptability is part of the process of growth and self-development. The important thing is to remain resilient and focused on resuming your journey as soon as possible, without judgment or excessive self-criticism.

