Fitness for Beginners

Jeera Sinsuat
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readApr 18, 2024

It’s no secret that leading an active lifestyle has multiple benefits for one’s mind and body. Regular physical exercise and movement helps you maintain and manage your weight, strengthens your bones and muscles, and can help keep your mind sharp and focused. There are numerous compelling reasons to incorporate physical activity into daily life and this article will be your guide on how to get started with living an active lifestyle.


In order to get started, it is important to evaluate your level of physical activity. This can be done simply by reflecting on how much exercise you are able to perform in a week. If you are able to raise your heart rate at least twice a week through structured physical activities like a sport, that is a good start. But if you are completely new to it, don’t worry! Everyone starts somewhere.

If you are a complete beginner, it is important to establish SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Here’s an example of my SMART goals when I was getting started with my fitness journey:

“I want to be able to run 5km without stopping and with ease in my breathing. I want to achieve this goal within 3 months because I am running a 5km race.”

That’s it, simple but specific, relevant, and set within a timeframe. It is worth mentioning that I have achieved my goal of running 5km distance without gasping for air and without stopping. In fact, I am preparing for my first half marathon (21km) which will be happening in a couple of weeks. My point is, I could not be where I am now without getting smaller, more attainable goals first.

Finding Activities that You Enjoy

It is also important to try out different physical activities when you are first starting out. As a sports scientist, I always suggest weight training at the gym since it is beneficial for strengthening your joints, bones, and muscles. Yoga, walking, swimming, and running are also great options if you’re looking for a more gentle physical activity to start off with. The point is to try and see what you like!


Once you figure out the type of physical activities you like doing, you can continue to dabble in different activities, or you could also just focus on one activity that you really like first. It is important to progress in your chosen physical activity in order to reap all the benefits. This is because if we keep working at the same intensity all the time, the body may plateau and you may not be optimizing your physical fitness. If you would like to start running for example, you can start by running 1km this weekend, then try adding another kilometer the following weekend. Keep adding 1km per week until you reach your goal. For me, once I hit my 5km goal, I then aimed to run 7km without stopping. Over time, I found myself running longer distances! It is important to do this slowly and gradually in order for your body to adjust to the volume of physical activity.

Consistency is Key

Sticking to a routine is a key factor in physical fitness. If your goal is to lose weight by combing working out at the gym and walking, make sure to set a number of days per week and stick to it. If you can only work out 2 days per week due to your busy schedule, that is perfectly fine. What’s important is that you get out the door and do it well for those 2 days of the week.

Listening to Your Body

Of course, nobody is perfect. Consistency is vital, but so is listening to your body. Some days you may not feel like exercising due to fatigue or a sore body, and that’s perfectly fine. You must also give yourself the grace to take a rest day and focus on recovery. There’s no point in beating yourself up and stressing out over missing a scheduled workout.


Lastly, staying motivated is one of the harder parts of starting your fitness journey if I’m being completely honest. Yes, listening to the body is good, but some days we might just be feeling lazy too. My philosophy with motivation is that I don’t rely on it. I prefer the word discipline as it helps me stay focused with my goals and get my workouts done because I know it’s good for my mental and physical health. Another trick would be to join sports clubs or groups! Joining a gym can give you that little boost of motivation, joining a yoga studio or running club can also help you connect with a community whose goals align with yours.

Getting started with fitness can be an intimidating thing, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Exercise is one of the best things you can invest on for your personal well-being, health, and longevity. Feel free to use this article as a guide whenever you feel overwhelmed or lost. Remember, set SMART goals, stay consistent, listen to your body, and just have fun with it!

