Let’s Talk About Summer-Love, Shall We?

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min read5 days ago

Sea water with the saltiness in it that dries your skin slightly, hot weather, friends or family, everything feels right except your summer love that you stopped seeing few hours ago… OR… Getting ready with your friends after a great warm day your tan is there with the healthiest amount there is some background music you have been hearing from the local bars while the room filled with summer breaze and then you see them… Magical, yes? Is it really tho?

Sunsets, starry nights, outdoor activities, sea, sand, long days… I can’t think of a more suitable atmosphere for falling in love!
The concept of summer love has been the subject of literature, movies and songs for generations. Whether they continue after the summer or remain as a sweet memory, summer loves teach us to appreciate the moment, embrace change, and understand the somewhat temporary nature of love.
So why do summer loves have a different appeal?
Why are we more inclined to surrender ourselves to love in summer?

Let’s examine summer loves together!

Increase in serotonin: As the amount of time we see daylight increases in summer, our level of the serotonin hormone, which is associated with happiness, also increases. With this positive mood, we become more open to romance and connection.

Novelty effect: Let’s face it, summer is a time when all of our year-round routines and monotony are broken. If we are students, we take a break from school, if we are working, we take a break from work and find the opportunity to go on vacation. We are more available to drink coffee under the sky in the evenings and take nature walks on weekends. This break from mediocrity also increases our desire to add innovations to our lives. Could there be a better innovation than meeting a new heart?

Temporality of summer: Knowing that summer is temporary and short-lived increases our desire to live and enjoy the moment. “It’s now or never!” With this feeling, we become more open to taking risks and exploring.

The role of nostalgia: Warm summer nights, the sound of the waves, the scent of flowers in the air, fruit ice creams… All experiences that appeal to all five of our senses awaken our strong memories. We feel the freedom of the carefree days of our youth or childhood within us again. All these feelings make us more willing to have romantic adventures.

Our cultural subconscious: The idealization of summer love in many works, from “Summer Nights” in Grease to Nicholas Sparks’ unforgettable book The Notebook, makes us ready to get caught up in stormy romances in the summer or to give love another chance.

Summer activities: As nature blooms and blooms, the number of social environments where we can meet new people increases. With beach events, music festivals and picnics, our chances of meeting someone we can call “that person” increase.



  1. Be realistic and honest with yourself about your expectations in the relationship. “Honestly evaluate whether you want to continue your relationship and make a commitment.”
  2. If your relationship is only focused on having fun, (which is totally fine if that is what you are looking for), you may think it will remain a summer love. On the other hand, if, in addition to having fun, you have deep conversations to get to know each other, have meaningful discussions together, spend time with each other’s friends or families and share similar interests, your relationship is likely to be more than just a summer romance.

So that being said take care of your mental and physical health no matter what and do not ignore the signs of red flags just because this is a “small fun time”!


Hoping for the best for you…

