Self-care: Listen to your skin and understand its needs

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
4 min readMay 11, 2024

We usually first look in the mirror when we get up every morning. The first look in the mirror is the first impression of the day! How we see ourselves can be affected by dark patches and breakouts, damaging our confidence and dampening our self-esteem. For instance, stubborn dark circles are one of the things we don’t want to see! A concentrated brightening eye cream is all we need to smooth the area and keep it hydrated throughout the day. Skin plays a vital role in our overall health and reflects the status of our body functioning. To create an individual skincare routine, you must first know your skin type and build a regimen for your skin image.

As mentioned above, skin is more than a protective barrier; it mirrors our body condition. Often, skin problems indicate underlying health problems. In this post, we focus only on skin needs and how we can learn to address skin issues and pay attention to signals. We need to consider such signals and look for the proper treatment accordingly. For example, you may suddenly see red, dry spots in an area of your skin that are persistent and don’t go away for days; take time to reflect on what you’ve been doing excessively; it could be due to over-exfoliation. Over-exfoliation leaves your skin dry, red and irritated. In such cases, you need to listen to your skin and stop using exfoliators for weeks to fix your skin and restore hydration and balance.

Likewise, hormonal imbalance can significantly affect our skin appearance and health. They are located in specific areas of the skin and manifest in hormonal acne in particular areas like the lower face, neck, chest, back and forehead. It suggests an overproduction of sebum that clogs the pores and absorbs bacteria, which eventually causes inflammation and breakouts. Overall, if your skin suddenly breaks out, there could be excessive use of retinoids, exfoliators, hormonal fluctuations and imbalances, certain drugs, heavy sweating, oily cosmetic and hair products and excessive oil production. You need to look for the right skincare products to regulate your skin.

Furthermore, one of the concerns by healthcare professionals regarding skincare is summer days and beautiful sunshine. They strongly recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 SPF to keep sun damage spots and dark patches at bay. Our skin cells produce melanin, and melanin will be far more produced if we are excessively exposed to the sun and, most of all, without protection; the results are brown, grey, and reddish spots on the skin.

Another instance that must be addressed in today’s hectic world is dull-looking skin, a common concern that we usually ignore and leave our skin feeling parched! The amount of water we drink daily, and our lifestyle, in general, is related to a tired skin appearance. Adding anti-oxidant ingredients and a diet rich in vitamins such as vitamins C and E can shield our skin against further damage.

Every individual’s skin is unique. Identifying your skin type and evaluating the effects of skin products on your skin helps you ensure you’re following the proper treatment. The three most common skin types are dry, oily, and combination. For instance, for dry skin, the essential ingredients in a moisturiser are hyaluronic acid and glycerine; the next tip, for combination skin, is better to look for a moisturiser that is not too heavy and too light to retain moisture. Similarly, oily skin has more natural moisture, is less prone to forming fine lines and is more likely to get clogged and congested pores. Therefore, exfoliation must be a top priority for those with oily skin.

Additionally, sleep quality, personal hygiene routine, diet, stress level, and environmental factors such as pollution are influential factors that affect skin health. Pay attention to small signals and track the source of the problem. Learn enough about your skin by reading reliable sources and listening to certified experts’ advice and practical tips on nurturing and empowering your skin.

In short, our skin mirrors our internal state; it communicates with us by signals that appear on our skin, whether glowing, dry, flaky, redness, hydrated or dehydrated; it reflects our skin health and needs. The more you listen to your skin, the sooner you notice your health issues. Many health issues can be addressed well-timed with attention to your skin health. Understanding our skin and addressing any concerns results in less effort and less time to restore luminous, healthy-looking skin.

Skin is one of our great communicators. Take time to learn your skin’s specific needs, which will help you choose the proper treatment and lead to a radiant, plump complexion. You can always consult a dermatologist for further information and have a regular check-up to maintain a healthy skincare routine and lifestyle.



Wellbeing Tips and Guides

A passionate explorer, looking into a world full of mystery. Together, we bring colour to life and make stories! :) // Content writer intern @ FOREO