Steroid — Misunderstanding leads to serious consequences

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readApr 28, 2024

If you ask me whether it is possible to get a muscular body without hitting the gym frequently. The answer is yes, it is steroid.

However, everything has two sides including steroids. The more muscular you get, the higher risk you take.

Anabolic Steroids (also known as Anabolic Steroids) are a natural synthetic chemical that helps increase muscle mass and cell division, promoting the growth rate of muscle tissue. In the first time this substance was introduced, only professional athletes used it.

As a group C drug (a group of drugs allowed to be bought and sold without a doctor’s prescription), the product is widely advertised on social media. Due to its easy-to-buy feature, more and more people buy and use it without perceiving its danger.

Initiating this phenomenon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous American athlete and actor, once publicly disclosed his steroid use to the media and received a lot of attention, most of it negative.

But who cares? The more people debate, the more famous he becomes. And from the perspective of gymholic, they do not see anything except this substance as a miracle for their muscle. Then, the steroid movement begins.

On the other hands, after consulting with experts to comprehend steroid, many people still overuse it to meet their body fit expectations regardless of the side effects of steroids.

Some hospitals in the UK even provide steroid injections and treatment services for those who are considered to be abusing this form.

“Many clients don’t see it as a problem. They feel that therapists are not understanding enough, and everyone has their own excuses,” said Francesca Shearer, senior specialist at Smart Muscle Hospital, Leicester City explains.

The most common misunderstanding

1. Using steroids periodically can minimize the negative impact

Some people use steroids periodically. That means they use steroids for a period, then stop and then use them again. Some people use two or more different anabolic steroids, called “compounding”. Some people use it in a “pyramid” style, meaning they start with a low dose, then gradually increase the dose, or gradually increase the number of anabolic steroids, then gradually decrease them to complete a cycle of use. use. These people believe that combined use increases the effects of each drug, pyramiding helps the body get used to high doses of steroids, and the period of abstinence helps the body recover from the treatment. drug use process. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove the correctness of the above views.

Many people tell themselves they will only use steroids for one semester or one season. Unfortunately, however, steroids can be addictive and it can be difficult to stop using them.

2. Steroid is totally legal.

In some certain countries, selling and buying steroid are illegal. Personal use of anabolic steroids is legal, however the UK government does not allow individuals and organizations to export, import or deliver drugs by post. Therefore, buying and selling this product online is still considered a violation of the law. The crime of possessing steroids carries a penalty of up to 14 years in prison.

Common side-effects of steroid

Some common side effects when using anabolic steroid abuse include acne, premature baldness, hair loss, rapid weight gain, mood swings, and psychological effects that make the user become depressed, leading to be aggressive, increasing the risk of tendon and muscle injuries, even increasing the risk of developing cardiometabolic disease, stroke, etc. For women, using too much anabolic steroids will lead to the following symptoms such as developing masculine characteristics in voice and body; menstrual cycle changes,…

Again, this blog mainly focuses on myths about steroids and its consequences. If you are a professional athlete who is considering using steroids, seeking more academic sources or consulting to experts are necessary. If you are just a normal person expecting to have a fit body, my advice is you should not use steroid, instead, scientific diet and exercise are the best measures.



Wellbeing Tips and Guides

A skinholic tries to transfer boring knowledge from journal articles to vivid and straightforward information :>