The art of self-care: 8 tips to boost your self-love

Wellbeing Tips and Guides
5 min readMar 24, 2024

The importance of self-care is a very hot topic nowadays, but no matter how many articles are published on this subject, it is not easy to consciously practice self-love tips and exercises. We don’t have time to slow down and deal with one of the very important, if not the most important players in our lives: ourselves. Here are some tips to give a grip on how to create even teeny-tiny moments in our day that are just ours. Which ones do you practice regularly?

1. Glow and enjoy!

Millions of women have difficulty looking in the mirror for even a few minutes during their morning and evening routines. After all, most of us notice our flaws first, and that impression can haunt us all day. So let this be the first step on the dimply path to self-acceptance: find at least 3 things about your appearance that make you feel satisfied, even if you can praise the sexy woman in the mirror out loud! Don’t have a skincare routine for a passing compliment from the bus driver or your boss, or use a touch of lipstick and mascara, do it for that ravishing inner goddess who deserves your admiration. And if you want to pamper your skin simply and brilliantly, while also achieving anti-ageing and a thorough cleanse, try any of these products.

2. Nourish yourself!

You’re bored, aren’t you? It seems like a basic principle but it’s so hard to pay attention to what you eat! Lack of time and running around could be the trademark of the 21st century: how much easier and quicker it is to pop out for a hotdog or order takeaway from your favourite fast food restaurant than to throw something together, right? But there are simple and time-saving solutions that are also good for your health: cook ahead or order takeaway for a healthier option, choose a salad instead of fries with oil, and replace the double chocolate muffin with chia pudding! Minimal sacrifice on the altar of your vitality! Remember, in getting your body to function properly, you need to feed it!

3. Talk about your feelings and set boundaries!

Do you often find that you’re more likely to stand up for someone else than for yourself? If this sounds familiar, it’s time to do some self-reflection. Did you know that emotional factors can play a prominent role in many diseases, including a very high percentage of autoimmune disorders? If you don’t make your voice loud enough, don’t communicate your feelings and desires, and draw boundaries in front of your critics who hurl hurtful remarks: repressed emotions, and pent-up stress, can escalate into diseases like these. Is it worth overprotecting the peace of mind of others at the sacrifice of your feelings?

4. Get moving!

Can you imagine that even a lazy day without any activity can significantly increase your risk of developing insulin resistance? If you haven’t yet found a form of exercise that makes you want to get out of your armchair, go for a walk in the nearby woods, walk or ride a bike instead of taking the bus, climb those 40 stairs instead of taking the lift. Remember, even little things like that make a difference and if it shows in your size of jeans, you’ll feel even better about yourself.

5. Date yourself!

Are you serious? Dating alone? Sure! Watch a movie in the cinema or on Netflix at home with a bowl of popcorn, have a coffee with your favourite book on the sunny terrace of a nice café or just listen to music while sitting on the riverside. It’s up to you how you want to spend your free time, just do it! Listen to your inner voice, what you think about, how you feel when you slow down a bit and don’t focus on other people but on your well-being! Important: you are not selfish if you relax and recharge sometimes!

6. Be choosy on social media!

You don’t have to turn off your phone and go on a week-long break to take care of your mental health in the crazy world of social media. One of the more practical ways is to unfollow people who make you feel bad. If your feed is full of supermodels claiming chocolate is a sin, or Karens from your past, your Insta or Facebook check-ins can become an instant stress factor. Follow people who make you feel good; choose accounts that are closer to what real life is like and how you want to live it. Remember that on social media, everyone presents their highlights — not an unedited, uncensored version of their life, guaranteed to have as many sleepless nights, dirty dishes and messy moments as yours.

7. Learn something new

From learning a language to learning a new trade or just improving your general knowledge, the point is that learning something new is always worthwhile. You can find plenty of opportunities to learn for free, whether on Facebook or other online platforms, and not only can you learn new skills, but you can also make new friends.

8. Dress in colours

Clothes can be much more than just a simple necessity. Dressing pretty can boost your confidence and improve your well-being, but that doesn’t mean you should wear a well-ironed shirt or a miniskirt at home. You can also find on-trend pieces in sporty, comfortable clothes, and what makes them even more on-trend is their colour. Make cheerful colours like yellow, red or pink an essential part of your wardrobe, and wear these pieces even when you’re in a gloomy mood. You can be sure that a positive, energetic look will be good for your mood.

If you integrate any of the above tips into your daily routine for just a few minutes, you can make a radical, positive change in your quality of life. Start small and keep moving forward determined. You deserve it! ❤


