Tips for Better Sleep

Jeera Sinsuat
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readApr 17, 2024

Do you wake up extremely groggy, wishing you had slept better after tossing and turning all night? You are not alone, it is actually a common problem for people to struggle with getting quality sleep, which can affect both physical and mental health. But don’t worry, because this article will offer 5 tips and tricks to help you get enough quality sleep to wake up fresh and energized!

Prioritizing sleep is not just about getting more hours of sleep. It is all about quality over quantity. A good night’s sleep results in feeling fresh and ready to take on the day ahead of you. Getting quality sleep helps you focus, gives you energy for physical activities, and even prevents illnesses.

5 Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep Schedule

Developing a sleep schedule and staying consistent with it is key to getting quality sleep. By sleep schedule, this means it is important to go to bed and wake up at around the same time daily. This allows your body to get used to a circadian rhythm, and over time it would just come naturally to fall asleep without forcing it, and waking up at the same time, possibly even without an alarm!

For example, if you have to clock into work at 9 am, and you would like some time to have breakfast and all that, you could start by winding down by 10 PM. If you fall asleep within 30 minutes, that would allow you to be up by 6:30 AM, giving you 8 hours of sleep and enough time to get ready in the morning.

Bedtime Routine

Your bedtime routine would be like your wind down routine. Around 30 minutes before you intend to fall asleep, you could take a warm bath, have some tea, do some stretches, or read a few pages of a book. Whatever you choose to do, the idea is to get you in the mood to sleep. It is best to avoid stimulating activities such as watching tv or scrolling through your mobile as this might prevent you from feeling sleepy.

Improve Your Sleep Environment

In relation to avoiding electronic devices, improving your sleep environment also includes dimming the lights in your home and in your room at least 1 hour before bedtime. This habit tells your brain that it is almost time to wind down and go to bed. A cool, dark, and quiet room is the most conducive environment for quality sleep.

In some areas where the sun goes down a little bit later in the day, you can opt for blackout curtains. For those who live in noisy cities, quality earplugs may be a good investment. Cozy pillows and blankets are always a good idea!

Stress and Anxiety Management

Have you ever stayed up all night because 132 thoughts are swirling in your mind all at the same time? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Stress and anxiety are a common reason as to why most people struggle with getting quality sleep. Some stress and anxiety methods suggested by professionals are journaling, meditation, light stretching, and listening to calming sounds. These will allow your brain to slow down and relax.

Be Mindful of What You Put Into Your Body

It is not a mystery that caffeine may keep you up all night, therefore it is best to avoid coffee, tea, and caffeinated drinks 8 hours before you intend to go to bed. Food may also give you more energy, thus keeping you up for longer. One solution is to avoid eating 1 hour before bed, or at least opt for a light dinner instead of an energy packed one. Alcohol also negatively impacts sleep and body recovery, and is best to be consumed in moderation.

Sleep is more vital to mental and physical health than you know. Poor sleep quality can lead to grogginess, fatigue, and weakens the immune system. On the contrary, getting enough quality sleep per night sharpens your focus, gives the body energy, and contributes to better mental health. These 5 sleep tips are the perfect starting point for you to start getting your circadian rhythm in order.

For more wellness tips, stay tuned for the next article where we will be discussing the impact of regular physical activity on mental health and happiness.

