Vitamins and supplements: types and tips.

Laura garcia tovar
Wellbeing Tips and Guides
3 min readMay 19, 2024


Vitamins and other supplements play a crucial role in the path of trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle, as well as skincare routines and even tech skincare devices. Even though it seems easy to achieve, what is really easy is to get lost in the wide variety of available products. In this article we will explore the types of vitamins, deficiencies, benefits, and some tips to help you choose the best one for you and your necessities.

The Importance of Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins are essential organic compounds that our bodies need to function properly. Usually, we don’t obtain enough vitamins from our diets, which makes supplements a good and more viable option to cover possible deficiencies. Moreover, supplements — when used properly — can improve general health, wellbeing, and even prevent some diseases.


  • Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in fat tissues throughout our body, and especially our liver. Vitamin A is crucial for the immunological system and a great antioxidant just like vitamin E, these are nor only good for your health but also for your skin!

One of the most famous vitamins in this category is vitamin D, since it is pretty common to have a vitamin D deficiency, how do you know if you’re struggling with it? The symptoms range from fatigue and tiredness, to muscle pain, hair loss and mood changes. You should try to implement a diet richer in vitamin D with foods like fatty fish –like tuna and salmon —, diary or eggs. Also, you can go for supplements that help your body produce more vitamin D. Fun fact, when you are exposed to the sun your body will naturally produce more vitamin D!

  • Water-soluble vitamins must be consumed regularly since they are not stored in the body and are crucial for energy metabolism, brain function and red blood cell production. Don’t think that the benefits of vitamins are only for your body since they work from within, like vitamin C, which is highly known for tissue repair and collagen production.

One important vitamin in this category, along with the entire B vitamin complex, is vitamin B12. Since it is generally found in animal products, many vegetarian and vegan people may be deficient in it, luckily if this is something you struggle with, you will easily find vegetarian and vegan supplements you can carry on with your diet.

  • Minerals are also essential for various bodily functions. The main minerals include: calcium — necessary for bone and dental health — , iron, magnesium — involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions — and zinc. Check with your doctor if you feel like you have an iron deficiency, since it is pretty common among people who menstruate.
  • Herbal and Natural Supplements come from plants and offer a variety of benefits. Some popular ones include: Echinacea, used to boost the immune system and fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Before you start taking any supplements, you should check with your doctor, who will run a blood test to check which ones are necessary. Once you know that, it is important that you understand how they work, since there are some supplements that are easier for your body to absorb. Check if the ones you’re going to take may interfere with other meds you may be taking, and most indispensable tip, don’t over do them. Vitamins are natural organic compounds your body knows how to produce, only sometimes with a little help, so remember to respect the recommended doses on the labels.

Vitamins and supplements can be a valuable tool to improve health and well-being. However, it is essential to use them in an informed and responsible manner. Consult a health professional, research products, and make sure your supplement choices align with your health needs and goals.

