Live, breathe, love creativity

Diversity & Ability
Wellbeing Wednesday
2 min readOct 14, 2015


This week’s Wellbeing Wednesday is about creativity.

Creativity is one of the best mediums of self-expression: It can be a really helpful way of getting something out in the open that may have been troubling you. Perhaps you can’t put the feeling into words, or maybe you’re not even sure of what the feeling is. Maybe you’re just feeling bored, and need something to distract yourself. Whatever the reason, applying yourself to some creative project — be it a 5 minute doodle on a scrap of paper, or 16' x 20' oil painting — can help you to gain a feeling of release that will help you to engage with more focus and concentration on the various tasks that are required of you in your day-to-day life.

Creativity is an incredible tool, as it can be applied in all manner of ways: There’s the very traditional means of creativity such as art, music, performance or writing. Many people apply their creativity in other ways; cooking, organising a room, wardrobe selection, route planning

These examples may be more domestic and much less recognised as creative, but arguably take a similar level of thought. Heck, even trolling could be considered a creative expression!

But don’t feel limited by this list, the range of creative mediums is probably limitless. Try thinking about the ways that you are creative, and see what activities you come up with.

Being very app-minded, I tend to let my creative juices flow through programs on my iPad and computer: I use Beatwave in order to quickly create music, Artrage when I want to draw or paint something, Evernote when I want to write something or just the camera app on my phone when I see a photo that I want to create.

But you don’t necessarily need tools or equipment to be creative, just the space and time to do it — some of the best moments of creativity I’ve had have been finding a stairwell that produced fantastic echoes when I sang, that it inspired a whole song!

Whatever the object you create, you don’t have to display it for the world to watch/read/see/hear/smell/taste; I find it very hard to put my musical creations out for everyone to hear, so as a consequence most things I’ve written haven’t been played to anyone. However, sharing is caring; so in the hopes of helping you to find your medium of expression, here is a taste of my creative side.




Diversity & Ability
Wellbeing Wednesday

Social enterprise designed and led by dyslexic and disabled students, aimed at sharing and promoting a holistic provision of support strategies and AT training.