Stop and listen to the silence

Mike Sax
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2018

We are constantly shifting our attention, driven by excitement, fear, craving, and external stimuli. The brain works this way because our ancestors evolved in a world that felt more natural and quiet.

It’s good to give yourself a break from the accelerating loudness that surrounds you. You can do this through mediation, even if it’s only briefly.

The first thing to do when you start meditating is to stop everything else you are doing.

Breathe in slowly and notice the breath. Notice how the air feels, going in through the nose down into the lungs. How the belly makes room and the whole body adapts.

Observe that moment when you’re holding the breath in, being fully at choice when to release it.

Notice how breathing out gently pushes the air back out of the body, out into the rest of the world.

And then, the cycle repeats.

This oasis of slowing down and getting quiet is always available to you. The problem is that when you most need it, you’re most likely to forget it’s there. There’s a simple solution for that.

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  • Health and Gratitude—The body is wondrous. It’s precious. It’s yours, for life. Take good care.
  • Empty your cup—Start fresh, from the ground up, where it is safe to learn and discover.



Mike Sax

Founder of Wellbeyond, making apps that spread health and happiness • Founder of ACT | The App Association