Upcoming: SmartSquid

Unique items that spark ecological conversations.

Gregory Worrall
4 min readAug 21, 2019


Unexpected Pollinators T-Shirt

We recently sat down with Sarina Saddiq of SmartSquid to interview her about her stylish sustainable accessories company which is raising money for great causes.

Sarina started SmartSquid in 2018 after years of tie-dying and up-cycling her own clothing. After growing frustrated with the negative impacts of the clothing industry and fast fashion is having on our planet, she dedicated herself to starting a line of clothing that uses sustainable materials and raises money for good causes in the process.

Could you please introduce yourself to our readers, just a little about yourself and your business.

Hi, I am Sarina and I run SmartSquid, a brand that aims to spark ecological conversations through design. I try to offer products that are as sustainable as possible but am always learning and striving to make the company more environmentally friendly. I’m currently living in a small village on the outskirts of Bath and screen-print all garments myself from a workshop in my garden. All SmartSquid products are made from organic or recycled fibers and printed with organic inks.

What was the driving force behind you wanting to start your business?

I’ve always been interested in fashion but was frustrated by the lack of transparency and choice as a consumer. After studying Biology at university, I decided to use nature as inspiration for my designs in the hope of using fashion as a platform to convey ecologically important topics.

What are your best selling products? How big is your range of products?

The whale long sleeve t-shirt is the best selling design by far! At the moment, my collection includes t-shirts, long sleeved tops, sweatshirts, hats, tote bags, accessories.

The Whale Navy Lon Sleeve T-Shirt

How did you reach your initial customers?

I’m really passionate about sustainable fashion, nature and my brand so enjoy engaging with customers in person and via social media. Market stalls were a good way to engage with customers initially, I had my first stall at the Greenpark station Makers Market in Bath. Instagram has also been really useful in developing a relationship with both existing and potential, although I do find it tricky to keep up with creating content to share!

Are there any other products you’re planning on or considering launching in the future?

I’m working on some organic fleeces at the moment. It seems fitting work on some outdoor clothing pieces given that all of my collections are inspired by the natural world.

My aunty is an excellent seamstress, I’m working with her to create some organic, embroidered denim dresses that will hopefully be available before Christmas. It’s nice to be involved in the design process of the actual garment as up until now, I’ve focussed on print making. I’m excited at the idea of launching a product that is made in the UK.

SmartSquid homeware is also in the pipeline; after completing a pottery course at Spike Island in Bristol, I have invested in a wheel and plan to launch a ceramic range in line with my clothing collections. I’ve also got some screen-printed art pieces that will be available soon too!

It’s not an actual product, but I’m planning on hosting SmartSquid workshops soon. They’ll be casual events, where participants can have a go at screen printing, do some nature exploration and eat good food.

The Dung Beetle Cap

How do you plan to continue to reach new customers?

I’m involved in a few events in the near future, including Ocean Festival in Bristol, which will hopefully generate some interest in SmartSquid — I think engaging in person is the best way of reaching new customers. Inez is the new intern at SmartSquid. She is a talented lady and is working on creating some video content for social media which should generate new interest in the brand. I’m also approaching potential stockists at the moment — it would be great to see SmartSquid in stores that share similar, environmentally focussed values.

How well is everything going so far?

I’m really happy with where SmartSquid is right now, it’s going better than I expected and I am proud of its development over the last year. Some weeks are good for sales, some are slower — it’s hard to predict so I’m glad I have a day job too!

If you’d be interested in picking up a great looking tee and helping the planet at the same time, we personally recommend the new Pollinators collection and we’d personally like to thank Sarina for taking the time to answer all of our questions.

You can find out more about SmartSquid on Instagram and their website ☀️

