5 Ways to Make the Best of the Waiting Game

The time between where you are and where you want to be is valuable — don’t waste it!

Virginia Murphy, MS, LMSW
Soul Driven Purpose
4 min readJan 10, 2020


A bicycle with a clock in the front wheel against an orange brick wall.
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash

If you’re anything like me, patience isn’t one of your strongest assets. Lately, I’m finding that everything I desire for 2020 requires me to wait — from closing on my new home, beginning a coach training program, to starting my business. None of these things will start for at least a few weeks or even months, and there’s not much I can do about it.

I’m stuck in limbo, and it’s driving me insane. I want to settle into my new home, sit on my own furniture, and unpack the stuff that’s been stored in a pod for weeks. I want to begin my coach training so that I can move forward with launching my coaching business. But for all of this, I must wait. It’s hard to sit still and not be able to move forward — to not DO something.

The last few weeks have been a test of my patience, but I’ve learned a few things along the way. The most important lesson is that time has value.

As I wait around for things to happen, I find that I’m not very productive — in any sense of the word. I’ve managed to convince myself that, while waiting for things to happen, there’s not much I can do in the meantime. What nonsense! Time spent waiting for something is still time spent. So, I might as well make the best use of that time.

Here are five things that are helping me get through the phase in between where I am right now and where I want to be — including some tips on how to make the best use of that time.

1. Do Stuff That Relates to Your Goal

What can you do today to make yourself feel like you’re advancing in some way?

For me, it was researching and reading about coaching techniques to prepare me for the training course. While I wait to close on my house, I’ve been using the time to make a list of the things I’ll need to buy or stuff I have to do, so I’ll be able to settle into my new home seamlessly. As for my business, I’m researching how to market and reach my niche.

Regardless of what it is you’re waiting for, there’s usually something you can start doing right now. It may not be as much progress as you’d like to make at the moment, but doing something is better than sitting around and doing nothing. Don’t be inactive during downtime. Instead, spend this time figuring out how you can best prepare for that future goal.

2. Distract Yourself

When I catch myself moaning about having to wait for things to happen, I stop and do something else — watch my new favorite Netflix show, read a book, exercise, etc. I’m determined not to waste time complaining about the things I can’t change.

Complaining won’t speed up the process. It’s almost like waiting for water to boil. The minute you look away and do something else, the kettle whistles. So, find something enjoyable that you can do when you start to feel frustrated or lose patience. Somehow, it makes the time feel like it’s going faster.

3. Keep a Countdown

Countdowns give a sense that you’re getting closer to what you desire. Whether you use an actual paper calendar or a countdown app on your smartphone, countdowns are an easy way to remind yourself that you’re one day, week, or month closer to reaching your goal.

It’s hard to do this if you don’t have exact dates, but you can use an estimate of when you think you’ll be able to reach your goal or be in the place you want to be. For example, I know I’ll probably close on my house within the next two weeks. So, I’ve chosen the farthest possible date and marked it on my calendar. Each evening, when I cross out another day, I feel I’m that much closer to moving into my new home. And when another week goes by, I feel an even greater sense of moving forward.

4. Let Go

Yes, I know — easier said than done. But, letting go is really all you can do in situations where you have to wait for something. In many instances, you can’t speed up the time or make things unfold any quicker.

By let go, I mean stop obsessing over that which is out of your control. I can’t force the closing of my house to come any sooner — the process is out of my control at the moment. Hounding the parties involved will likely piss them off. I have to let go and, for the time being, take lots of deep breaths and wait.

5. Stop Rushing Death

Whenever you wish time would speed up, remember that you’ll be that much closer to death. I know, it’s morbid thinking. But every time I wish the days would go by faster, I always remind myself to stop rushing death. While you may not be exactly where you want to be in this moment, it’s the youngest you’ll ever be.

Ever since I hit forty and realize how quickly time goes by, I sure do live each day with a new appreciation. So, whenever I get impatient and wish I could hit the fast-forward button, I remind myself to stop being ungrateful and wishing away precious hours. I’m lucky to be here on the planet today, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be impatient.

My fellow impatient humans, I hope a few of these tips have resonated with you. At the very least, I hope I’ve distracted you for a few minutes. What you wish for will come in time. But, while you wait, use the time in between wisely — one day, you’ll be wishing you had it back.

