10 Tips For Your First 24-Hour Fast

Fasting isn’t easy, but the benefits outweigh the discomfort

Rike Aprea
Wellness Decoded


Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash

“Fasting is a mindset — a positive habit to jump-start the natural healing process in the body and mind. It triggers autophagy, the cellular self-cleansing process.”
Amit Ray

Fasting has been used for centuries to treat or prevent health conditions. It allows the body to rest and recover. While fasting is not for everybody*, it can be an effective method to cleanse the liver, colon, or kidneys.

Fasting for 12 hours or longer has been linked to a wide range of health benefits such as decreased inflammation, an increase in growth hormone secretion, or weight loss:

While most of these health benefits start kicking in after 12 hours, you will get better results if you’re able to extend your fasting period to 24 or 36 hours.

24-hour fasts aren’t easy, but here are some tricks that can help you to “survive” a day without food:

#1 One hour at a time



Rike Aprea
Wellness Decoded

Personal Trainer, Coach, Nutrition Nerd, Certified Weight Loss- and Behavior Change-Specialist. www.kaizenupyourlife.com