The Health Benefits of Pilates

Get stronger from the inside out

Rike Aprea
Wellness Decoded


Pilates is an exercise method that has been developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, a German trainer with a gymnastics and bodybuilding background.

Pilates emphasizes strengthening the core muscles, improving balance, and breathing. Practicing Pilates regularly provides you with many health benefits. Here the top 7:

#1 Pilates can improve heart health

A clinical trial with obese, sedentary women showed that Pilates can help to improve heart health. The trial lasted 12 weeks and consisted of three 1-hour training sessions per week. All classes were led by a certified Pilates instructor.

The participants of the trial reduced systolic blood pressure by 5 mmHg and were able to lose up to 2% body fat. (1)

#2 Pilates can prevent back pain

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC low pain is a condition that affects almost every person at one point in their life and is a commonly reported reason for lost workdays. (2)

Strong and balanced core muscles can help to prevent or improve low back pain. The “core” is generally defined as a group of muscles consisting of the lumbopelvic region…



Rike Aprea
Wellness Decoded

Personal Trainer, Coach, Nutrition Nerd, Certified Weight Loss- and Behavior Change-Specialist.