Getting into the Mind of a Moon in Capricorn Woman

Karina Lafayette
Persephone’s Lounge
4 min readFeb 14, 2020


It’s not everyday we get the privilege to get deep with one of the most mysterious placements in astrology. This moon sign is a literal enigma. The first time I found out my moon was in Capricorn, I felt disappointed. Maybe it was because that’s what much of the first part of my life had felt like, or maybe it had to do with how try things suddenly “clicked”. It took a longtime to see that having it is actually… a darn good thing. So it’s time we put our bad rep to rest.

How do you recognize a moon in Capricorn woman? Well, for one, usually the first impression we get from someone is their Midheaven and rising sign, so it isn’t possible to recognize their moon unless you’re really intuitive, or already well versed in astrology. Nevertheless, because Saturn has such a strong force here, it’s almost impossible to hide it. Whether your sun is in expressive Sagittarius or charming Libra, if your moon is in Capricorn you may have experienced the following: People will accuse you of being secretive or too reserved. They’ll flock to you for advice, and occasionally thrust you into leadership positions without you asking. When you want to be alone, they ask you to take care of them. Even the adults in your life probably treated you as if you knew (or were supposed to know) better than them. And last but not least, you were often the kid who got along better with…



Karina Lafayette
Persephone’s Lounge

Karina is writer/filmmaker and astrologer based in Toronto. She self-published a memoir called Persephone Rises. Visit for more!