When Your Future Meets the Past

Surviving the Nodal Opposition

Karina Lafayette
Persephone’s Lounge


As I write this, right now the world is in crisis, putting everyone into hermit mode while we await for the next chapter to begin. It’s currently April 30th 2020, at 1:10am Eastern, and a Thursday. I’m an INFJ, I live for privacy and quiet. The days have somehow blended but it’s nice to be reminded by having some structure. People have learned how to be more kind, considerate, nurturing, patient and creative. Somehow overnight the world has become like the Great Mother that is the sign of Cancer, where the North Node has been transiting for the past year and a half. The moon is currently in Cancer and won’t meet up with the North Node in that sign again for another eighteen years. The people around me are acting like my childhood: grumpy, isolated, and clingy to whatever toxic habits we need to let go of. You can feel it: things are about to launch forward, but not quite yet. Meanwhile, I’m with my eyes on the future and learning how to build my own, quite a contrast from where everyone else is at, like passing ships.

Before continuing, it’s important to mention that the North Node in your natal chart represents your path and the lessons you need to learn to grow as a person, and the house it’s in shows the area of life you’ll have those lessons. While the South Node is the opposite, it’s everything you already…



Karina Lafayette
Persephone’s Lounge

Karina is writer/filmmaker and astrologer based in Toronto. She self-published a memoir called Persephone Rises. Visit persephoneandco.org for more!