Providing a High-tech Solution for the Club Management


2 min readNov 22, 2022


The time-efficient platform simplifies management by 70% on invoices creation, members’ support, and fostering communication within networked clubs. The platform is bilinguistic and has a full set of functions in 2 languages. Also, there are more than 50 quite useful features for club owners and their clients.

Meantime update club members with relevant information about club activities and workouts. It helps potential members to create an online membership application and provide a customizable social club place.


Starting a project, our customers had the intention to solve several problems and find the right solutions for improving the management system:

  • Create a platform suitable for club administrators to systematize documentation and member management, also decrease the number of financial objectives;
  • Facilitate club members’ communication, and notify them about ongoing and future events, including in-app purchases;
  • Have the app customization ability (logo, title, club info, etc.) and available German & English languages switching;
  • Provide a QR-code usage as the digital membership pass.


While the project development our team in cooperation with the client’s in-house developers needed to undergo a number of challenges in order to come up with the most innovative solution, that might help our customers with sports club management:

  • Long-living project with lots of legacy code during the starting phase: we’ve updated several elixir versions and refactored old code;
  • Implementation of Elixir adapters for some services, like MailJet, mainly due to insufficient usage of Elixir modules;
  • Simultaneous usage of LiveView with React and Vite;
  • Authentication system for React application.


Our team has strengthened the in-house developers to implement several functional abilities for end customers, including advanced filters with on-fly conditions. Such new features have been created for maintaining the existing platform by bug fixing, helping with support tickets, writing test cases, and refactoring old parts of the code.


The project was deployed with Heroku Dinos, with many advantages from the Heroku ecosystem: buildpacks, storage, logging, monitoring, etc.


Frontend: React.js, Vite, Phoenix LiveView.

Backend: Elixir, PostgreSQL, Wkhtmltopdf.

Infrastructure: Heroku, MailJet, AWS S3.


Contributing to the project and in cooperation with the client’s in-house development team, we created a management platform aimed to improve finance tracking and organize communication with a sport club members by providing relevant notifications, event updates, and membership maintenance. With developed software, our customers could create sports, music, and art clubs with lots of features like invoices, chat member portals, and actions logging. Moreover, the platform was built as a time-efficient project that could save up to 70% of the time on invoices creation, members’ support, and more various management tasks.

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A full-cycle software development company with deep expertise in high-load and scalable IoT solutions, mainly in Telematics and GPS tracking.