We’re Recruiting! Write With Us at Wellspring Publication.

Follow the Publication — A wellness-centric community building a diverse collection of health reads


*** We have new updated guidelines. Read and use them instead of this one when you land and see this


Tell other writers in Wellspring Publication that you come across as well.

Tell other writers interested in writing along that you come across as well.

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Below are the original and the first Wellspring Publication guidelines.

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Wellspring Publication Banner & Mission Value

## Welcome to Wellspring!

Thank you for expressing interest in contributing to our platform. We value diverse perspectives and insights, and we welcome writers from various backgrounds to share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise with our audience. Whether you are a seasoned writer, a subject matter expert, or a passionate enthusiast, we invite you to contribute and be a part of our growing community.

##Publishing Schedule

I am the only editor at the time and I try to publish and release articles every single week. Weekends are faster & weekdays are slower.

I try to strategize and time for when your articles may get the most interest.

Comment if you are interested as an editor for the growing publication.

## Why Write for Us?

#1. Reach a Global Audience:
Contribute to a platform that reaches a diverse and global audience. Your articles will be accessible to readers from different regions, providing you with the opportunity to share your ideas on a broader scale.

#2. Showcase Your Expertise:
Demonstrate your expertise in your field by sharing well-researched, insightful, and thought-provoking content. This is a chance for you to position yourself as an authority and gain recognition for your knowledge and skills.

#3. Connect with Like-Minded Individuals:
Join a community of writers, thinkers, and enthusiasts who share similar interests. Engage in discussions, receive feedback, and build connections with individuals who are passionate about the topics you write about.

#4. Personal and Professional Growth:
Writing for us can be a valuable experience for your personal and professional development. Sharpen your writing skills, explore new ideas, and contribute to meaningful conversations in your niche.

## Topics We Cover & Vision:

We are open to a wide range of topics across various categories with wellness at the center of the topics that it is involved with. Some of the areas we are particularly interested in include:

- Technology and Innovation
- Science and Research
- Health and Wellness
- Lifestyle and Personal Development
- Business and Entrepreneurship
- Travel and Exploration
- Arts and Culture
- Sustainability and Environment
- Education and Learning
- [Any of Your Specific Niche or Focus]

If you have a unique perspective, an interesting story, or expertise in any of these areas, we encourage you to submit your content.

## Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting your article, please take note of the following guidelines:

#1. Originality:
— All submissions must be original content created by you.
— Avoid plagiarism. Properly cite and reference any external sources used.

#2. Length:
— Articles should typically be between 300 and 2500 words. (2–6 minutes) However, we value quality over quantity, so focus on delivering valuable insights rather than meeting a specific word count if shorter or longer.

#3. Formatting:
— Use clear and concise language.
— Break up the content with subheadings, bullet points, and images for better readability.
— Use the term “Wellspring” as one of your article tags

#4. Images:
— If you include images, make sure they are high-quality and relevant to the content.
— Provide image credits if applicable.

#5. Author Bio:
— Include a brief author bio (approximately 100 words) at the end of your article. You may include a link to your website or social media profiles. Wellness academic credentials are awesome too.

#6. Editing:
— Our editorial team may make minor edits for grammar, clarity, or style. We will inform you of any significant changes before publication.

#7. Monetization:
— We allow legitimate monetization links in your post from genuine businesses with affiliate marketing to help you remain financially sustainable writers to keep writing (please courteously limit to 1.)

#8. Engagement:
— To keep the publication an active and friendly community, engage with 2+ articles when you are invited. Regularly engage and help new writers.

#9. Respect Medium:
— Please follow all the Medium platform rules as best as you can understand them as this publication grows and changes.

#10. No Direct Medical Advising:
— Do not aim to provide medical advisement or personalization medical consulting. Reference, commentary, and writing on or about professional medical opinion are generally okay when readers are made known.

## How to Join Us & Submit:

Please communicate with us that you would like to join the writing system. Please comment with your Meidum ID and mention that you would want to join the publication.

*** Comment this special phrase, “Avocado Summer 2024 Wellspring,” next to your ID when joining so I know you at least read it all up here and take it seriously. ***

Currently, the requirements are super simple:

#1. Adhere to the guidelines here and by Medium
#2. Be a paid Medium member & writer ready to contribute
#3. Follow the publication here.

Currently, it is the simplest way to recruit and add writers and editors to the publication platform until it grows and scales in the future.

I wrote this tutorial here on how to submit to publications that work broadly across Medium for anyone who is a new writer. The tutorial uses Wellspring as an example.

## Join Us on the Journey:

We are excited to have you contribute to Wellspring. Together, let’s create a platform that fosters knowledge-sharing, creativity, and meaningful conversations.

If you have any feedback, questions, or inquiries, feel free to comment first if it is a question that can also benefit others. If you are not immediately added or it has taken more than 1 week or so, please comment again.

I typically look through the comments section for each thread and add people then click the clap button to mark it as added.

Thank you for considering Wellspring as a platform for your thoughts and ideas. We look forward to reading your contributions!

Happy writing!

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