10 Ways to Get More Out of Your 5 Minute Break

Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2017
Image licensed from Shutterstock.com

No matter what your work day involves, whether you’re at home or in an office, we all need to take breaks. Even five minutes can leave you relaxed, recharged, and ready to get back at it. It’s a chance to take a mental and physical step away. But five minutes can fly by and feel like five seconds if you’re not careful. Here are 10 of my favourite ways to get the most I can out a five minute break.

1. Make it technology free

Try to avoid using your break as another excuse to scroll through your neverending Facebook feed. Turn away from the computer, put down the phone, and give yourself a proper break from staring at a screen.

2. Savour something delicious

Let yourself in a tasty treat and really enjoy it. My go-to is dark chocolate and almonds.

3. Go outside

Breathing in a little fresh air and looking at a different scene can seriously change your perspective. Even just looking outside and taking in whatever’s outside your window can be a big help.

4. Read!

Feel like five minutes is too short to get into a book? Maybe so. But it is the perfect time to read an article or blog post. Surf the web for endless options, or go the old-fashioned route and pick yourself up a newspaper or magazine.

5. Find a hilarious YouTube video

A good laugh can be therapeutic. Turn yourself over to Youtube and get giggling. Might I suggest a sleepy hedgehog taking a bath?

6. Close your eyes and breathe deep

Have a mini meditation session. Try to let go of the stresses and worries of the day and let your brain rest for a few minutes.

7. Get moving

Take a quick stroll through the building, up and down the stairs, or a quick circle around the block — location dependant, of course.

8. Grab yourself your hot beverage of choice

Whether it’s a latte or a steeped tea, sip slowly and take your time with it.

9. Stretch it out

A few light stretches will do your body good. Stand up if possible, or do a few right from your office chair.

10. Talk to a friend

Call a friend or family member, or walk down the hall to chat with a co-worker. Do your best to keep the conversation away from work.

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Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living

My life revolves around one crazy toddler and two even crazier dogs. Oh, and sometimes I write.