3 Powerful Ways to Practice Gratitude With Your Family

Emily Madill
Wellthy Living
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2016


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Each of us has the ability to feel gratitude and share it out with others. At times along our life journey, we may lose sight of everything we have to be grateful for. Sometimes, a little practice is required to get back into a natural rhythm of counting our blessings, and noticing everything that is so beautiful about life.

As a mom of two boys, I have come to realize how much I enjoy witnessing their learning and fresh perspective on life. I am continually learning along with them. I can’t help but feel motivated to bring subjects like gratitude to the surface for us all to experience and practice together as a family.

Injecting an attitude of gratitude into our household is something we all contribute to. It isn’t always straightforward as each member of our family can cycle through times of being pessimistic or unappreciative.

The upside of practicing gratitude and making it be a part of our family credo, is that we lift each other up when one of us falls. We remind one another through our words and actions, how important it is to express our gratitude and love of life with each other. There is always one of us who steps up and leads by example, and it isn’t always one of two adults in the household either!



Emily Madill
Wellthy Living

Author & ICF Certified Coach (ACC)• BA in Business & Psychology.• Thrive Global editor-at-large•Author of 11 books•Coach at BetterUp•WWW.WEEKLYHAPPINESSNOTE.COM