3 Reasons to Make Yourself Uncomfortable Every Day

Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2016
image licensed from Shutterstock

Why in the world would you want to make yourself uncomfortable every day?

If I asked everyone who LIKED change to raise their hands, would your hand be up? Honestly? There are a few different reasons why we might be uncomfortable, and most of them are actually a positive thing. The only way we actually see real change is to push ourselves past what we’re comfortable with. It’s how we learn things, and get better at things, and meet new people.

We are uncomfortable when we do something different.

It’s easy to fall into patterns. I’ve read a lot about habits, and patterns, and productivity. Any time you find yourself doing something because “that’s the way you do it”, it might be time to take a look at WHY you do it that way. And at least think about doing it a different way. And yes, yes it will take more energy to make that change, and then to re-learn how to do that thing. But it might be a whole lot better, save more time, get you better outcomes and/or make your life better in some way you can’t even guess at yet. It’s worth a shot, right?

We are uncomfortable when we learn something new.

It’s easy, safe and comfortable to just keep doing things we’re really good at. Let’s face it, we all like to feel like an expert. But if we just keep doing the same things, then we’re mostly exposed to the same people, and the same ideas, and the same opportunities over and over again. If we stretch outside what we know and embrace absolutely sucking at something while we learn, then we’re actually ADDING to our skill set. Not just maintaining it.

Stretch yourself & risk sucking at something. #Change + #risk = #growth! Click To Tweet

We are uncomfortable when we give up control.

Uncertainty is something that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. The solution? Never let anyone else be in control of anything. Hmmm. But what are the consequences of that? By you opting out of that discomfort, you’re putting the people around you into that state permanently. You’re also missing out on the opportunity to see what might happen if you open up your mind and your heart and hand over trust and control to someone else. In my experience, people rise (or descend) to the expectations we have of them. Give someone else a chance to shine, and give yourself a chance to benefit from another hand guiding you down a new path.

So this week, let’s all vow to be uncomfortable at least once every day. Challenge yourself, and give yourself a chance to change and grow. You’re worth a little bit of discomfort 🙂

I’m in! This week I will make myself uncomfortable in at least one way. Click To Tweet

xo Crystal

Originally published at wellthyliving.ca on December 17, 2016.

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Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living

Writer, creative mastermind, health psychologist, productivity geek, and strategic authorpreneur—sharing what I learn on my way to a million published words.