5 Crazy Awesome Parenting Blogs — Wellthy Living

Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2017
Image licensed from Shutterstock.com

When I need parenting advice in the middle of the night — which, oddly enough, seems to be the only time I’m desperate for parenting advice — I turn to the internet. You don’t want to know some of the things I’ve Googled. But amidst my terrifying Google search results, I’ve come across many a parenting blog offering encouraging words, inspiring thoughts, and sometimes a good laugh. They’re not all good, some of them are downright awful, but a handful of the amazing ones keep me coming back for more.

And what kind of person would I be if I didn’t share these crazy awesome blogs with my fellow parents? Not a very nice one ; )

Scary Mommy

Jill Smokler started Scary Mommy back in 2008 as an online baby book to keep track of her days as a stay-at-home mom. Since then, it’s turned into a humongous and vibrant community of millions of parents all writing within the same theme: parenting doesn’t have to be perfect. Covering all the bases right from pregnancy to raising teenagers, most posts are honest, hilarious, and definitely worth your precious parenting time.


Pregnant Chicken

Amy Morrison started this frank and funny site while she was finding her way out of the newborn trenches. She vowed to help pregnant women and new parents figure out the scary and confusing world of parents. And does she ever! From product reviews to parenting advice, with gems like “Giving Birth Is Not a Party” thrown in the mix, Pregnant Chicken feels like your internet mom-friend.


Rach Riot

Rachael Pavlik is RachRiot, a self-described writer, mother, and Pilates avoider. Her blog chronicles her life with two kids and she hilariously talks about all the things we don’t always want to talk about as parents. One of her latest posts, “How Not To Talk To Your Kids About Sex” nearly had me in tears. If you’ve read her best-selling anthology, I Just Want To Pee Alone, you’re going to check this one out.


Dad and Buried

Because there’s some pretty awesome Dad bloggers out there too! Mike Julianelle is a Brooklyn dad who shares his experiences raising two kids in Brooklyn. His thoughtful and humorous posts centre on the not so glamorous and harsh realities of parenting.


Her Bad Mother

The bad mother in question, Catherine Conners, is a writer and mother who tells stories that simultaneously leave me laughing and inspired. Do yourself a favour and read her post, “The Night of The Living Poo”. It is a terrifying, but completely relatable, experience we’ve all probably had in one way or another as parents. Trust me on this one.


Originally published at wellthyliving.ca on April 16, 2017.

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Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living

My life revolves around one crazy toddler and two even crazier dogs. Oh, and sometimes I write.