5 Reasons to Take Your Kids to the Library

Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2017
Image licensed from Shutterstock.com

My daughter and I visit the library once a week. We read bedtime stories every night so I’m always on the hunt for new material. Sometimes there’s a kid’s group or story time to pop into, and sometimes we just search the shelves. And while she enjoys a little quiet time colouring or playing in the kid’s area, I get to pick myself out a new book to dive into.

No matter where you live, there’s a library close by. Even in our teeny tiny mountain town we’re just a ten-minute walk away. And there’s so many awesome reasons to take your kids on a regular basis. Here’s my top five:

Libraries build community

They’re a hub for information and all things hobby-related, which makes the library the perfect place to meet and get to know other members of your community. My daughter loves going to our library’s weekly toddler program, and I’ve developed friendships with many of the other parents who attend. It’s a safe and welcoming place for young kids to play together and for teenagers to connect.

Libraries introduce kids to the arts

Libraries are more than just a place to store books. Many also showcase artwork, serve as a venue for local musicians to perform, and a place for authors and artists to sign books and do readings. They’re a great place for kids to gain appreciation of culture and the arts — especially the local artists living within their own communities.

Libraries are the perfect place to introduce your kids to the arts. #culture Click To Tweet

Libraries foster literacy

Most libraries offer story times, summer reading programs, tutoring and homework help, reading contest and clubs, and writing workshops. They’re not just a starting point for your child’s literacy, but a place they can continue to visit as their reading level and learning needs change and evolve.

Libraries teach kids about sharing and responsibility

It may seem simple, but the act of choosing a book, checking it out, taking it home to read, and returning it on time (and in good condition) is pretty complex for young minds. They’re being asked to be responsible for community property, and treat it with respect, so that the next reader can enjoy it. As someone who was notorious for racking up late fines a child, trust me, there’s lessons to be learned here.

Libraries are free!

From baby and toddler programs to movie nights to Lego clubs to computer classes, the library is full of fun activities and learning opportunities. And the best part of all? It’s all free! Everyone and anyone has access to all of the amazing things libraries have to offer us.

So what are you waiting for? Grab the kids, grab your book bag, and head to your own local library!

Originally published at wellthyliving.ca on April 24, 2017.

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Nicole Obre
Wellthy Living

My life revolves around one crazy toddler and two even crazier dogs. Oh, and sometimes I write.