5 Signs That You May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep

Wellthy Living Guest Authors
Wellthy Living
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2017
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We have all had nights where we can’t sleep and find it hard to think straight the next day. And there’s a good reason behind it. Sleep is very important for a properly functioning brain. We should all be getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Yawning and feeling tired throughout the day are two common signs that you may not be getting enough sleep. But there are other less obvious signals as well. Here are five less obvious signs to look out for.

Difficulty learning

A lack of sleep can make learning difficult in a few different ways. Focusing on a task and problem solving become harder. As a result, it might take you longer to understand new concepts and to solve problems.

Trouble remembering

When you don’t get enough sleep you are not able to retain as much information. You may find it hard to remember things that happened or things you learned in the last few days. You might find yourself having to set reminders so you don’t forget important things.

Mood swings

When you are sleep deprived you are less able to control your feelings and more prone to mood swings. You might feel stressed out or find yourself reacting angrily in situations that you can normally handle without issue.

Dozing off

You should feel awake and alert even when doing quiet activities during the day. When you’re sleep deprived, you may feel sleepy while sitting quietly, reading, or watching TV. You might even catch yourself dozing off.

Decreased productivity

Productivity can slow to a halt when you’re sleep deprived. It takes longer to complete tasks, and you are more likely to make mistakes. This further decreases your productivity as you have to go back and fix things. Depending on the task, you might even be putting yourself or others in danger.

If you are concerned about how much sleep you are getting, try keeping a sleep diary. Make sure to include how much you get a night, the times you fall asleep and wake up, and any unusual patterns. This can be a useful tracking tool. If you’re having concerns about your sleep, bring the diary to your doctor and it will help them assess your sleep habits.

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