5 Tips for Falling Asleep Faster

Wellthy Living Guest Authors
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2017
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Falling asleep is an issue for many people. There are many small things you can do to fall asleep faster that can really add up. Here are 5 tips for falling asleep faster so you can get the rest your body needs.

Quiet time

Do something quiet and relaxing for the last hour before going to bed. Avoid watching TV or using your phone or computer, as the light from these can signal to the brain that it is time to be awake. Instead, try reading a book or taking a bath.

Avoid overeating

Having a proper dinner is important for staying healthy, but don’t eat too much. Overeating can make you feel uncomfortable and make it harder to fall asleep. If you know you will be going out with friends for that all-you-can-eat dinner, try to schedule it earlier in the evening. This will give you more time to digest before bedtime. Find a portion size for dinner that works for you, and stick to it every day so that you are comfortable when going to sleep.

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine stimulates your body, which helps to keep you awake and alert. Having a caffeinated beverage, such as coffee or tea, can help wake you up in the morning, but it can also make it hard to sleep at night. Caffeine’s effects can last up to 8 hours. So that afternoon coffee you drink to get you through the last part of your day may actually be affecting your ability to fall asleep at night.

Set a sleep routine

Your circadian rhythm affects when you feel sleepy and when you feel alert. Keep a regular sleep routine so that your circadian rhythm gets used to it. This will help you feel sleepy when it is time to go to bed and more alert when waking up. Remember to keep your sleep routine even on weekends so you maintain your circadian rhythm, or you could have trouble sleeping until your body readjusts.

Preparing your bedroom

Your bedroom is a very important place because it is where you should be doing all of your sleeping. The comfort of your bedroom can have a large impact on your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Your bedroom should be dark. Thick curtains on the windows can help to block light that gets through the blinds. Keep it at a cool but comfortable temperature. Your bedroom should also be a quiet place. Remind those living with you to be quiet if they will be staying up later. You can also wear earplugs to help block out any noise.

Try out these tips and see if they help you fall asleep faster! You will feel more rested and ready to take on the day with a better night’s sleep.

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