5 Ways to Make Air Travel More Awesome

Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2016
image licensed from Shutterstock

How do you make air travel more awesome?

I’ve been traveling an awful lot in the last couple of months, and have been on way more flights than is usual for me. Along my travels, I’ve identified a few things that make air travel decidedly more awesome.

Chapstick, hand cream and tissues

Seriously. That recycled air blowing on you might be exactly what you need to keep your body at a reasonable temperature as you’re pressed right up against the person beside you, but it dries you right out and can often cause some stuffiness in the sinuses. It’s those minor little discomforts that rack up over a long day of travel. And tucking those 3 things into your carry-on gives you the option for immediate relief.

Drink a lot of water

Yes, it might be slightly inconvenient if you need to get up and visit the loo a lot, but mostly you’ll find your body just absorbs it and you feel better for it. If you grab a bottle of water before you board the plane, you’ll have a head start on hydration and won’t have to wait until the drinks cart comes around. Don’t want to pay the $3 for a bottle of airport water? Bring an empty water bottle in your carry on and fill it after you clear security.

Travel as light as possible

Many airlines are now charging for checked baggage, so most people are trying to travel with just their carry on luggage. Most airlines are filling their planes, and with everyone trying to do the carry on only thing, the overhead bins just don’t have the capacity they need. However, if you make sure your larger carry on bag is one that can safely be checked, then when you get to your gate you can take advantage of the airline’s offer to check that bag through (most times all the way to your final destination). The less you have to maneuver through those small aisles, and or struggle with your bags the better.

Bring your own headphones

Most people know this, but not every airline will have headphones available anymore. Some charge a bunch for pretty crappy ones, and others just don’t have them available at all any more. You’ll be more comfortable with your own, and you can dive right into the entertainment options as soon as you’re on board.

Ask about available upgrades when you check in

Sometimes, you can get upgraded for free if they’ve oversold the plan — especially when you’re flying solo. And if there are paid upgrades, ask how much it costs. You might be surprised. On several of my flights the upgrade has only been about $50 and that got me way more space (allowing me to actually work on the flight), a meal and drink included, early boarding, and you’re near the front so when it’s time to get off and get to the next leg of you’re journey, you’re at the front of the pack. Plus, there’s usually way easier access to washrooms!

And remember to enjoy your flight!

Flying is a serious adventure when you think about it. We mostly take it for granted, but the fact that we’re able to travel huge distances in very short times, in giant metal birds thousands of feet in the air is pretty freakin’ awesome. So enjoy it. Look out the window. Marvel at what’s happening around you. And revel in that opportunity for new adventures.

xo Crystal

Originally published at wellthyliving.ca on June 19, 2016.

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Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living

Writer, creative mastermind, health psychologist, productivity geek, and strategic authorpreneur—sharing what I learn on my way to a million published words.