Beach Bag Checklist

Stephanie Salzborn
Wellthy Living
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2017
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Whether you’re going for a couple of hours or for the whole day, it’s important that you and your loved ones are fully prepared to enjoy a fun day at the beach. Here’s a quick and easy checklist to packing a kid-friendly beach bag.


The highly important H20 is probably one of the most essential items you’ll need to pack in your bag. An average person requires around 1.9 litres of water a day, and that number increases when you’re out in the sun or being active. A good tip is to freeze a couple water bottles the night before heading to the beach, so by the time you want to drink it the ice will have melted, but the water will still be cold!


No one wants to come home from the beach looking like a lobster. The best thing to do is apply your sunscreen 30 minutes before heading into the sun and reapply every two hours. Reapply more frequently if you’re going in the water to avoid a nasty sunburn. And remember to bring the appropriate sunscreen — one for the adults and one for the kids!


This may not actually fit into your beach bag but it’s still an important item to bring with you to the beach. Too much sun can be exhausting and sometimes dangerous. An umbrella is a great way to create a shady area if you need a break from those harsh sunrays.

Sunglasses and Hats

I know this is pretty obvious but these two items are usually the ones that most people forget to pack! A good tip is having a few extra pairs in the car just in case.

First Aid Kit

Not a lot of people think to pack a first-aid kit in their beach bag, but in an emergency, whether it be a little cut or something more serious, it is a vital item to have on hand. Make sure you include items like different sizes of bandaids, neosporin, and gloves.

Packing the perfect beach bag can be a tricky task, and the items I’ve mentioned above are just some of the essentials. If you’re packing for a day with the family, toys and an extra set of clothing are highly recommended. And if you’re planning a solo beach day a book is a great way to relax!

Originally published at on June 24, 2017.

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