Can stress actually be good for you? Wellthy Living

Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2014
image licensed from Shutterstock

“a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances” according to

Stress at its most basic level is really just how our minds and bodies react to what is happening around us (or within us). Which is to say, they do react. Stuff happens, and then we react — chemically, physically, mentally and emotionally. The processing of those reactions, is what we generally consider to be stress.

Is all stress bad?

Well, no. Despite what you may assume based on all the articles and books and workshops about how to manage your stress, some stress can actually be a good thing. It can be motivating, and stimulating, and keep us from napping our lives away in front of series after series on netflix. And sometimes, things can be both good stressful and bad stressful (think weddings, new babies, new job etc etc).

How do you balance good stress and bad stress?

There are lots of different ways to manage stress. Being more organized, massage, meditation, getting a good night’s sleep, learning new things, better communication, exercise… I’ll likely be writing a lot more about each of these as time goes on. But for now, here is one of my favourite TED talks from Kelly McGonigal on How to Make Stress Your Friend.

xo Crystal

Originally published at on September 6, 2014.

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Crystal Hunt
Wellthy Living

Writer, creative mastermind, health psychologist, productivity geek, and strategic authorpreneur—sharing what I learn on my way to a million published words.